Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wrapping up the travels

It is so exciting to travel and experience a change; the atmosphere is different, the cuisine is different, the people are different, and with all this different therefore it is easy to assume we are different. Our worlds are different, we're forced to let go of everyday comforts. We traveled for quite a while in the car took some breaks to stretch, re-set moods, and energize. Upon hours and hours on the road I didn't focus on squeezing in my twenty minutes of work-out so after we unpacked, ordered a pizza (because we were just not cooking!) I grabbed work-out gear and hit the Wii. I missed my goal by 1.2 pounds but have lost another 3.8. I am officially the weight of my first official dr. visit for my pregnancy. So now I am really ready to start the HealthFULL Journey :) It is time to Fully Understand Life by Living. Still doing baby steps still slowly letting go of food comforts and lack of movement tendencies. I squeezed in my twenty minutes and headed to pizza. But here are the food victories. On a vacation I usually go hog wild, just pedal to the medal of calories. If it is a morsel that I feel I can't have back home then it is free game. And when we stop at familiar places extra high calorie treats are consumed without a second thought. I had an ice cream cone and pizza. I don't feel guilty because I have came a long way and still have a ways to go on how I view food. But not too long ago I would have had two milkshakes and extra dough pizza. But today I did the impossible for me. I ordered crunchy thin pizza. I have never in my life ordered extra thin crispy dough. That's like a cracker to me. I love dough/bread. That is sometimes the best part of the pizza. I hesitated when ordering which must drive my hubby crazy. Just do it! So I did and yes I missed the bite into pillowy doughness. But was super pleased with the non bloating effect. I usually stuff, okay honestly gorge myself on pizza and then go uh! I feel so full. Blech. But not today with plenty of pizza to spare. That was an empowering feeling. and the Ice cream cone was a sweet treat that was easily sixty percent less calories than if I ordered a large shake. So yes, it would be great if I was completely off junk food and fast food. But I am taking steps to change my life so that I don't run back to comforts but say good bye to them at my pace and gain control over my cravings and choices than run and hide. Life is full of temptation and you can only dodge so many hits. Sometimes you have to look it squarely in the face and say "I'm stronger than you and no longer fall for your easy taunts. If I choose to partake, it's my choice, not yours." May your HealthFULL Journey help you gain power and strength to run your life and not run from it. 'Til we meet again. . .

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