Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unscripted Outcome

Oh Wednesday you mock me like only someone near and dear to me can.  I have shared that Wednesdays are my son's and my day.  We get the weekends but Wednesdays are "special".  They are that smack middle of the week where it is surprising that we get a day to ourselves (though we tend to share it with others via appointments, visits, and errands).  Its our chance to catch up with responsibilities(me : housework, Baby boy: to be the cutest and sweetest while mastering great feats via playing :)  Today we had no solid appointments and I looked forward to our relaxing day.  Oh I do fear this is where I went wrong. You decide. . .

I crashed in our bed at 2:30 am (I am a night owl an tend to sleep in phases and the previous phase had been in our ultra comfy recliners excellent last minute purchase day before our son was to come home :)  Then four thirty rolls around and it sounds like alarms are blaring.  No it is my son screaming I bound from our bed and arrive in the nursery.  Pulling hair into ponytail (this is my mommy alert look so my son does not panic) and wipe sleep from my eyes as I stumble to the nursery.  Oh well that wasn't what I expected to find.  My son is on all fours (he isn't crawling yet) stuck in that position as he is in the short length of his crib.  Okay baby I can fix this.  I pick up the giggly boy (not the same shrieks as of two minutes earlier) and give him a fresh diaper because I know in his shoes that would make me feel better too.  We giggle and sing as he drifts back to sleep. I finally succumb to his lullaby dog and sneak away from his bedside (mommy is very tired!) I rock in the recliner as I listen for his sleepy murmurs.  And then allowed my hubby to walk by me as he awoke to start his day.  He tiptoed to our son's room to check on our son and most likely thought I would be there.  Surprise I am hiding in the living room (after three hours of sleep I thought this was hilarious :)  I then crawled back into bed after five.  And surprise once again my screaming alarm blares at 6:30am. Fantastic!  This scream was I AM STARVING!  So we cuddled together as he enjoyed his bottle.  We giggled and then back to bed with a plea from mom because I am still just a little bit tired.  I dozed in the recliner waiting for his sleepy sounds once again.  Woke up in a panic feeling robbed of true sleep and snuck into my welcoming and comforting bed.  Ahhhhhhh (slowly drifting and decrescendoing) only to crescendo tweny minutes later into AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Yippy we are awake for the day.  Let's round up the cowboys we need to get a scootin'.  And so our day of chores and routines begin.  Laundry in, dishwasher loaded, setting up for tomorrow - lunches packed, outfits chosen, grabbing toys to commence playing and we play and play. I sneak in a little breakfast and then he is immediately unto lunch.  We play a little more and then bottle for nap.  Ahhhhhh I love naps. Mine/his both equal mommy rest.   And fourteen minutes down as I begin to make my own lunch. The screams start again.   I rush to his room to find a sleeping baby.  I sneak in a shower because only when that task is complete do I feel accomplished for the day.  I then again hear the whimpers.  I find a sad son and we discuss how crucial nap is for the day as we plan on swimming later.  We strike a deal.  Ten minutes in the crib as I grab lunch.  If he is still awake we will continue to play or he gets the nap so desperately needed and deserved by both of us :)  Switch out laundry, finish dishes, and straighten.  Then once again the baby stirs this time we both agree time to get moving.  I go to feed him his meal.  And my sweet child felt it was a good time that mommy learn an important lesson.  Baby needs constant attention one slip in observation and chaos will reign.  As I find my son (seconds passed....seconds) had dumped out his baby food and smeared it on him, high chair, a little on the wall, and a bunch in his lap.  By the way I didn't think that much came packaged together.  I could have screamed, cleaned up immediately.  But really the damage was done, te kid deserves some fun.  So he finger painted mixed vegetables to his heart's content.  And then I spotted the winged beast.  A wasp, near our sliding doors, please please please be outside.  As the wasp begins to crawl up the window I breathe relief as he looks stuck between the door and glass, wait , nope definitely inside.  And two feet away from the baby covered in baby food.  Don't panic (though I am so not a fan of creatures with wings especially those that can sting).  I slip over to the fly swatter (only through the adrenaline of motherhood would I even consider attacking this wasp).  I steadied my movement, held my breath, and whimpered a prayer.  I lifted the fly swatter and whoosh. Slightly tapped the wasp half fearful of missing and angering the beast.  Wait on the first try it is down.  WOO HOO.  After conquering that mission - let's move unto operation clean the kid and highchair after feeding him some real food (vs. just painting it and wearing it).  Next up changing into swimsuit.  Of course messy diaper strikes.  Why not?  By the time my hubby arrives home to take us swimming I am stumbling bleary eyed and exhausted but determined to have some fun.  I "Casper" up my son as I cover him and I mean cover him in sunscreen.  (We weren't taking any chances).  Yes we arrive at the pool as it is our own private oasis.  Cue music because we are about to break into song....wait for it .....and car pulls up.  Seriously?  And then another car, and another, and another.  Well no private oasis today as not one swimming lesson takes place, but two.  Oh Wednesday with your witty way.  Both lessons come to a close at the same time and the other car is leaving.  Yay for family fun.  Oh no, the little one is drifting, rubbing his eyes. Nooooo we get to have the pool to ourselves ( I feel a bit whiny).  So we bid adieu to the perfect pool time as our son is a bit tired (was it the 4:30 am wake-up or the 6:30 you think ?)  We rush home for a bath and some snuggle time.  Once again we juggle dinner.  Do we eat before his final bottle?  Or do we wait? we sneak in supper.  It is just so nice not to eat a full meal at 9 pm.  We put our little one to sleep and feel freedom.  No dinner to cook, no dishes to wash, and the little one is down.  What to do what to do?  Let's bake cookies.  What? Yes I craved some cookies and as we baked a batch my hubby and I reminisced over memories that only home-made cookies can inspire.  How funny, that certain activities are so familiar and yet so rare and therefore are treated like treasures.  There have been some recent days like today that would have broken my spirit, my will, or just driven me to tears.  But today Wednesday and I laughed together.  Chaos, surprises, are going to happen.  I try to be organized to have a grip on our daily activities but I am remembering the part of me who used to be along for the ride.  Either way is good but being able to do both is priceless.

May your HealthFULL Journey be full of witty events where the outcome is not scripted.  'Til we meet again.