Friday, April 8, 2011

Deep Breaths

Ahhhh! The true moment of relaxation, that moment when you are in vacation and realize I am relaxing. The planning is paying off, we are here safe and sound, and anything from this point on is paradise (well after I finish one more homework assignment, then the time is completely mine :) Our gracious hosts/family left us a breakfast treat. Giving us permission to live it up on vacation and left us cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Oh that sweet doughy goodness with the warming spice of cinnamon that echoes coziness through its familiar and welcoming fragrance that warms the tastebuds. The pillows of dough that almost melt in your mouth with a couple of chewy raisins to offer a little textural difference and that sweet frosting that leaves a creamy sugar buzz of excitement. Ahh yes I have had a cinnamon roll or two in my time :) But not today!!! That's right that is one of my food victories for today. Pastries are absolutely the truest sirens of the sweets for me. And the lure of vacation relaxing my will power. However on this vacation I have other treats of cuisine I plan to taste that outweigh the cinnamon roll lure (though it does do a mighty fine job of temptation.) It is an amazing time we live in present times. Between my computer and a little planning the whole world of exercise awaits. I brought a Yoga DVD with me to try out. 28 minutes of deep breathing. And a Yoga DVD that I actually could keep up with . Not a yogi master of 20 - 30 years, where I try to compete with their flexibility. But today this yoga instructor was more my pace. She even gave me some true tips on how to "cheat" my way to yoga success. I had a view of outside as I stared at my computer screen and in the background plays the chirping of birds. Nature can be such a relaxing sound, not birds for me though. Kind of my nemesis as I am deathly afraid of these winged, horned beak, and clawing creatures. However, because the world is full of irony in the window I saw a beautiful blue jays. One of the few birds that I actually appreciate their beauty. That blue is just gorgeous and their funky but distinguished pattern. Beautiful, still don't want one near me without a pane of glass in between. I stretched and breathe my way through 28 relaxing minutes of movement. Learned two new poses which was fun, "Shooting Star" and Warrior walk which apparently is different from Warrior Stance. I am not flexible enough for a full-on child's pose but appreciate the level of stretch I can commit. It feels good to know that even on vacation I am still choosing Health. Then we went to lunch for a must on our to munch list while in the area. It is probably one of my favorite dishes, no probably it is. Honey Pecan Shrimp from a local restaurant, no mass making of this dish. There are close imitations but this has never disappointed me. It has a crunch to the toasty nuts. A sweet tang to the sauce and beautiful plump shrimp. These are tons of calories but yummy! My husband and I fight to the death for the last couple left standing. But today I did not spear him with a fork. I hit my full level and said I'm done. I graciously offered the last couple to him. (I wasn't quite prepared for him to take them but I did offer :) I am starting to feel a freedom from food that many can't understand. (Either you have never had the level of cravings that grip your soul like addiction or you are still trapped). I know that any day I can fall for the lure of temptation. But right now I am feeling strong and in the right direction on this HealthFULL Journey. May you find peace. May you enjoy life. May your journey lead only to goodness and a FULL life for you and those you hold dear. 'Til we meet again. . .

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