Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Because It's Wednesday

Having a happy day and doesn't that just change the outlook on everything!  Some people love Fridays thinking what the weekend bring, others love Sundays as for many it is a family day, but my special day lately is Wednesday.  My son was born on a Wednesday and was even due on a Wednesday.  And lately,  Wednesdays are mommy and baby days.  I love them.  My whole purpose for this day is just to be present with my son.  My hubby's schedule requires him to leave the house super early on Wednesdays (which means he usually gets to come earlier).  So my little Bug-a-Boo and I just spend some quality time together.  I love that if he is having a sleepy day (or mommy is) we can nap on and off according to our schedule.  We have all day to laugh and giggle (and his giggle is probably why I am so happy on Wednesdays).

Part of this HealthFULL Journey is opening my life to allow experts in to "my personal space" and admit I don't know everything and NEED HELP.  Which has never been easy for me, sometimes due to pride, sometimes due to feeling unworthy, or sometimes due to guilt thinking/knowing others could use/need the help more.  One of those professionals is working with my son due to his prematurity to help us keep him on track with his developmental skills.  At first, I was nervous, even downright uncomfortable.  Another person touching my baby and supposedly knows what is better for him, than me?!?!?  But in my heart I knew we had to at least give her the chance.  She is fabulous.  We call her our son's personal trainer and she works him out.  He has improved leaps and bounds (some is due to his own progress) but a lot of credit needs to go to this special lady.  She is our compass in a journey that has been filled with a lot of shaky steps.  She helps us to move forward with purpose which brings much confidence.  So though I am starting to open up my special day, she helps me be even more present with my son and allow him the chance to grow stronger and healthier on his own journey.  I wouldn't want to nor could I deny anyone that, especially my own son.  So we start our morning at our pace and wait excitedly for some "fun".  Then the rest of the day is ours again.  With this being "our" special day my movement had to include some serious baby snuggling.  We opted for Mommy and Baby Yoga.  Now that we are old pros (interacting with the DVD already once before).  We already had some "personal" jokes and seeing his smile definitely motivated me to finish the DVD all the way through (minus two minutes because I don't like that part and another two minutes to clean up some spit up).  There was lots of napping on the lil' one's end which let mommy have some time to read and finish some school work.  Both events much appreciated and much needed :)
Food victory was ease.  Finding some ways to store fruit so that it is a quick snack to fix(have the grapes and strawberries already washed and bagged - yes this makes the food spoil quicker but the fruit sitting an extra week in my fridge and not touched because I don't think about it is a bigger waste than having to follow a shorter lifespan) and having some veggies prepped  (mushrooms sliced, grape tomatos, peppers sliced and just throw these on top of bagged mixed greens - I know I am trying to get away from this step but it makes salad mixing so much easier and accessible for at least this household!) to make a quick salad to include with supper.  These little tricks helped a lot!  I once again hit my 5+ servings of produce without too much effort.  I love that!  I need that to attempt better eating habits.

I write this watching my little one doze in his daddy's arms and can't believe how my life functioned without these precious Wednesdays. 

May your HealthFULL Journey reveal precious gems that not only make you giggle but that change your whole world.  'Til we meet again. . .

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