Friday, April 8, 2011

No Passes

I am officially on vacation as we spend some time with family we don't have enough opportunities to see. We traveled by car for eleven hours (usually nine hours, but life is different these days). On vacation most rules we live by are out the window. We spend more money, do less work, forget work-outs, and eat whatever treats we desire. Why not? We're on vacation. Oh it is easy to tell oneself an excuse one after another to justify the choices of taking a break. I am at a critical time on my HealthFULL Journey. It has been just over 3 weeks I have started my fifteen minutes of movement and one food victory and to blog everyday. Things are just starting to feel almost natural. It is time to challenge myself and not fall down the hill. Life doesn't have a hall pass. You can't skip a day to get to the good stuff. I can't eat junk today and expect to be healthy tomorrow. For some a break at vacation is ideal. But not me, not right now. The food victory was shockingly easy. We spent 10 + hours in a car and I didn't eat one single snack. When the car was moving, I wasn't munching. That's amazing, usually road trips bring all the yummy treats. But slowly my body is forgetting the craving training I have placed on it for 30 years. Slowly I am retraining myself to feel full. I don't have to finish a helping to clear a plate. Food can remain on my plate and it is all going to be okay. Simple concept for many but a huge growth mark for me. And exercise was ridiculous. But was completed as I snuck away to our bedroom. While still in jeans and a 2 by 2 foot space I moved by way through fifteen minutes. I am hoping to complete 20 minutes starting with in this week. My goal is to work up to an hour a day. But through baby steps.. I danced, strecteched my way to a fitter version of myself, at least more fit than yesterday and isn't that the goal? To make real-life changes. It would be easy to push away exercise and climb into a comfy bed, I started with five minutes to check that off the list and without realizing it I slowly pushed two minutes back., until I completed the full fifteen minutes. May you find inner strength and do not pass on opportunities in your life. 'Til we meet again. . .

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