Sunday, April 17, 2011

Souper Sunday

Saturday was a day of rest from this HealthFULL Journey. Not that I went on the binge I fantasized about Friday, nor did I sit on my duff all day watching the DVR eating potato chips (althought I have spent many A Saturdays like this *Blush*). No Saturday the sixteenth was just hanging out with the family and an official workout didn't happen. My hubby and I did walk the shops and wishlist (kind of like window shopping but actually plan to purchase in the near and not-so-near future). Oh dates at Lowe's (this makes me feel so old!). There has been a trend occurring that is not so good. I only exercised 11 minutes in response to the overwhelming Bellydance DVD. And then nothing really counted Saturday. So Sunday rolls around and I just want to throw in the towel and say no movement today either. Grab a book and enjoy the peacefulness of a Sunday rest with the family. I finished my book and my hubby grabbed a nap as he took the morning feeding with our son. (My hubby is so fabulous!!!) I was planning to cuddle with my little one after I did a couple of tasks around the house (dishes, baby laundry, etc.). I came back to cuddle with my lil' one but he was down for a spontaneous nap (which is rare! He is more of a snoozer. Great sleeper at night but during the day he rarely goes down.) Hmmm. Once again the house is quiet. . . Do I dare . . . Yes! I DO DARE! Bellydance DVD you and I are going to face off once again. You had the edge of surprise last time as you drew me in with friendly language and enticing emotions. But today you and I will dance. I have the remote handy and if I must I will rewind and pause to get these motions somewhat correct (I mean if I paused until I perfected these moves, DVD players will be extinct and I'd be the killer abs Grandma) :) So here we go DVD (Ms. Raina) Let's squirm! I did it! Well as well as I could but I worked out for forty minutes (to make up for the missed Saturday and I forgave myself Friday as Thursday had been a double-dose day of movement). The routine was 34 minutes so I followed her performance and mimiced what I could for 4 minutes and then repeated the bellydance/hip-hop routine I learned from the DVD a couple of times. I figure-eighted my hips, popped my knees, grapevined, swayed, twirled, spine snapped my way through a work-out. My hubby did awake due to a phone call as I "glistened" myself through this somewhat humiliating work-out. I could pretend sexy when it is just me and my DVD, once the peanut gallery arrives I no longer slither but flop, I no longer glide but drag. But I did it. I learned you cannot attempt this Bellydance half-heartedly, it requires commitment or someone is getting hurt. So after I worked up an appetite we had to decide what would make a good Sunday lunch. I was perusing some cookbooks for a fennel recipe. I bought some fennel as a new veggie to try. I see cooking shows always tossing in some fennel. Ta-da I found the perfect recipe that used ingredients we already had on hand. Let's cook! It was a Squash Apple soup. I must confess I have never made home-made soup (unless you count opening the can as home-made.) Depressing right? We even have an immersion blender that I promised my hubby if we got one I would blend soups, smoothies, dips, sauces galore. Umm we've had it maybe two years and we took it out of the box today. Ta-da! So soup it is! I chopped the fennel and snuck a bite. Texture wise - celery, flavor - wise a peppery licorice. Hmmm interesting. I am not a huge licorice fan but not overly powerful. My hubby toasted some fennel seeds which definitely gave off a distinctive aroma (to me equaled licorice hands down; my hubby thought more like Italian Sausage). We cubed butternut squash (one of my faves - YUMMY!) and cubed granny smith and also matchsticked another granny smith apple. I was a chopping fool. We added stock and some rice (2 tbsp of rice thickens and creams out your soup like you add buckets of cream and none is present - love this trick! Thank you recipe!) The soup took roughly eighty minutes from finding in the magazine until filling my stomach. It was delicious, a great afternoon treat for a lazy afternoon - filling, soothing, and yet not overly much of anything - little sweet, little spice, and a little sour. Fantastic! I'm definitely trying this soup again. Fennel will no longer be on my to try list but my to buy list. What a Souper Sunday with my Super Family :) May your HealthFULL Journey be full of adventure, the occasional comfort, and the desire to Fully Understand Life by Living! 'Til we meet again. . .

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