Saturday, March 26, 2011

Plans don't always go as Planned

Our family's journey has been filled with a lot of mountain highs and some plateaus and a couple of dips. It's why I believe I am trying so hard to grasp some resemblance to a routine. If one can firm up a strong enough routine it is easier to adjust and move forward with life. Chaos can sprint its way into complications. Reel in the craziness to move forward. My husband and I did put together a meal plan for two weeks and we still have roughly two weeks of meals as we haven't quite been able to follow the meal plan (or have chosen to pass that evening). We have been blessed with opportunities to spend time with families and friends. And with those blessings, choices. Not all benefitting a HealthFULL Journey. I am forty minutes away from completing eight days without chips and ice cream.Both have been in the house everyday of those eight days. Yes some days I substituted with a cookie or fries. We each have our own personal vices. Chips and ice cream have been my go to foods for comfort, for easy snacking, for pleasure, for calories, for activity, and much more. I was using these foods as replacements/stand ins for healthier options. I am hoping by doing without my usual fare, that I can treat them once again as treats. Most of the chips left in the house our in snack size (true snack size not 3 - 5 servings, but one). By learning I have choices and to be more conscious I feel this is a major hurdle that will hopefully avalanche into many more healthy alternatives. That's the plan but as I am learning everyday action is more beneficial than just having a plan. Having plans is good. It allows for structure, a base that can catapult one forward at any time. But no plan is a guarantee. Today was the first day the three of us could enjoy a Saturday as a family. We are starting to feel and see Spring everywhere. The idea was going to cover both movement for the day and family time. I was so excited about the idea of taking our little one to the park for the first time. Most likely we would only walk but I was happy hoping for that memory. However, rain delayed that idea. So our family day o fun became a Saturday at the mall. You won't believe this but we were not the only parents who thought with a rainy day the best place to go is the mall to stroll with our little one. It was insane and packed full of families as only one car stroller was left locked up by the door for patrons to pay to use. We came across the little playland area in the center and the equipment was covered with children, it looked like an infestation. It was quite the visual. It has been a long time since I have spent any real time at the mall. And though the people watching was great fun as teenagers were acting cool, salespeople were aloof and didn't care or were crazy with desperation for a sale. Can you guess who works for a commission and who doesn't? :) And though it was a nice day. It certainly wasn't my plan of walking in sunshine, with children's laughter as background noise, and plenty of personal space hundreds of yards from any other person. But it was a good day. We got out as a family, moved/walked, joked/smiled together, and engaged with the world around us. May your journey not go as planned so that you can enjoy life's blessings which usually hide out in surprises. Fully Understand Life by Living and live everyday to the fullest. 'Til we meet again. . .

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