Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bollywood or Bust!

Lots to share today. I felt I was celebrating food victories left and right. First one up I finally made it to the library and am ecstatic!!! I came home with nineteen books and 2 DVDs. A little excessive but I was feeling the need for reinforcements. Most of these books revolve around nutrition, faith based scriptures meant to encourage, and fitness goals. And two were vegan cookbooks, a great way to focus on vegetables and healthy grains without cholesterol or saturated fats. It helps to learn different ways to prepare meals to encourage a healthier lifestyle. I think it is easier to try a whole new recipe then to always doctor a favorite in an attempt to cut the calories. Another victory came when I returned home. I knew that we had plans to go out to eat and planned to be home for an hour and half before leaving. Usually my ears would hear the tasty snacks calling out to be munched. My stomach would echo a reply. Yet, I decided to tough it out, no snacking. And I went hungry. I actually allowed my stomach to grumble and feel the yearn to eat something. It was almost pleasant to feel this way because it wasn't the huge production I have built against it. In hopes to avoid binges I have been force feeding snacks and in a way training myself to feel hungry is wrong and could trigger a horrible relapse. But not today, today the hunger was empowering. We then met family for dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!). We chose a family buffet as there were to be thirteen of us, with a large age range. I started with a simple salad. Usually buffett time is serious business, start with two overheaping plates. Scarf down the food to hit seconds or at least dessert without feeling the fullness. But I took my time. After the salad I grabbed entrees - tried to make good choices , not awesome but not horrible.(baked chicken over fried, 1/2 sweet potato over spaghetti or mac and cheese. some collard greens and black eyed peas ). And for dessert a giant cookie cake was offered. I turned it down, not that I didn't want to continue the celebration but if I am going to eat extra sugar calories, they are going to be worth a choice I really want - like ice cream! At this buffet is a big dessert selection, cakes, cookies, pie, and the granddaddy of them all - build your own sundae. Ohhhhhh I have so many pounds from my childhood dedicated to the great build your own sundae, I was an artist that knew how to build, topple, and balance the delicate toppings , usually attempting to use every available topping, gummy bears and marshmallows being the "cherry" on top and overflowing. But not today, I wasn't hungry. I wasn't stuffed but full. Slowly I am reteaching myself to listen to my stomach. It doesn't have to hit empty so that I binge with rationalized permission but to also not overstuff my belly allowing it to expand and learn that it "needs" to be full. And then onward home. Where I accomplished my daily exercise, almost as soon as I entered the house. Wait for it....the introduction to Bollywood. So much fun!!! Had I overstuffed myself this workout would have been miserable. But feeling full and a little rest good as new. I debated at the library if I should pick up this DVD. I love So you think you can dance, I have seen many dancers not have the stamina complete a bollywood routine. But the cover did boast for any fitness level. The instructor was quite good, slow but not condescending. She would keep shouting out that this is suppose to be fun and to smile. The Bollywood vibe is all about abounding joy through bounces and high energy. She also would shout out randomly to do what feels right and of course in the background my hubby from the peanut gallery would muse out loud "what a great workout, do whatever you feel like, very motivating!" If you can shimmy, you can Bollywood according to this instructor. My favorite move hands down has to be the gorilla :) Forty five minutes later I was sweating, giggling, and super energized. I will definitely be pulling this DVD out several times before returning it to the library. *great resource to view different types of exercise without any financial commitment, which in today's world is a bonus upon itself :)* When I was in the library I received a phone call from my hubby. I know I am not suppose to answer it. I also know that we would talk a total of ninety seconds if that. I took the call. And sure enough I got busted by the librarian. She was about to tell me to either hang up or take it outside, but I was hanging up as she came up to me. I felt bad because she doesn't want to have to tell me to follow the rules but it is her job/responsibility. Don't get me wrong usually I would respond inside my head with miffness, how dare you bother me to follow the rules, you don't know my life story, it wasn't hurting anybody. . .yadda yadda. But it stinks when people can't follow the simplest instruction, and isn't it the most frustrating when you know the person knows the rules and is perfectly capable of following them? That's why I felt bad, but then why did I take the call in the first place? Because I hate boundaries. I believe most of us do. It's easy to ignore the rules when no one is being punished or lightly or that we can simply get away with it. Maybe that's part of the fun, the challenge. Do you ever speed? Play hooky? Cheat? It's still against the rules even when no one is watching. I read somewhere that is the true test of someone's character; How we behave when no one else can see or know. So when I eat junk food binges. No one is watching, few people would care, and yet damage is being done. I am hurting me. Some boundaries need to be respected and that is why I am trying to reign it in. Because I want to be the same person when no one is watching as I am when everybody is watching. May your healthfull journey teach you healthy boundaries. May you learn rules that benefit you and your lifestyle and challenge any that cause harm to anyone or anything. Within any limit lays an amazing opportunity to be the best you that you can be. Challenge, conquer, and love your way to health. 'Til we meet again. . .

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