Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let's have a ball!

Oh this journey is about Fully Understanding Life by Living. And hopefully that includes fun. I've been trying to celebrate the big or small food victories and to move for a minimum of fifteen minutes daily. The food victory was shopping today at a grocery store with a big discount as the store bids adieu. Now in full disclosure potato chips were not available but I would like to think and perhaps downright pretend that would not have had an affect on our shopping trip. Also fresh was not available as they have beenin the process of closing for a short while. But the victory was spending less than five percent on adding plain junk food to the cart. We did buy a little bit of cookies, snacks, and ice cream. Although it could have been worse. Less than a dollar fifty for some yummy cookies ? But we did somewhat contain ourselves knowing what comes into the house usually leaves through the garbage can (which is a total waste of money) or is added to our bellies (which is sometimes a waste). We tried to minimize impulsive shopping (though when everything is sixty percent off , that is a challenge in all of iself. For fun I have some fitness gadgets galore laying around the house. Oh when it comes push to shove I have the items. It is the drive to accomplish the actual movement/exercise. So I picked up my weighted balls and blew them up with the air pump (doesn't that alone tell you how often I use most of these gadgets? :) It was all about the arms today as I would do a certain motion for a minute and then switch up my choice every minute on the minute. I included some punches, twisted balances, and tricep push. Some minutes were more challenging than others. My dog eagerly anticipated me dropping one of the balls so that we could have some time to formally play. She knows how to tug at the good ol heartstrings. I tried to explain to her as best I could that it wasn't meant to be a smart dog). I wish I could have made her night, but baby steps and it was about just moving when bed sounds like such a pleasant option. So up I went and sweated. I wish I had the energy to type more as I have more on my heart and thoughts to share but I am just wiped out. May you know, learn, and respect your own limits on your personal journey. 'Til we meet again. . .

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