Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Half a Thought

Well yesterday's post wasn't completely finished but I guess God and Drew figured it was enough typing from me :) I saved the draft but couldn't figure out how to add, whatever! What the ending should have been is how I complete things half-way. How ironic! I am an ideas person and fear the ending. What if I fail? I am the type of person I would rather owe ya the money than cheat ya out of it. *wink wink* *nudge nudge* Seriously though I need to recommit to this journey and stop being sidetracked by life and more honestly myself. I need a structure as I have this need to please authority and boundaries and the such. But I need baby steps because when I go out with the guns ablazing I end up fizzling out. I need to finish this list but I am afraid if I don't write down my initial goals I will let them fade into the sunset yet another time. 1. I feel I have to blog everyday. This will help me begin to structure a routine. I don't think if it matters if I just write a sentence along the lines that today was not a good day. Another two motivators I hope will include the momentum to seek out opportunities to blog about something interesting (you know along the lines of reality tv. None of us want to watch people be really real and sit around the television every night so they create events and seek out unknown activities to peak other's interest. Nobody wants to read (or live!) a life of daily I accomplished nothing nor did I try to accomplish. How blah! And the main component to why this needs to become daily...I need accountability and to be truthful. It's hard to put on a cheery face and suck it up if I am writing daily. It is pretty easy to manipulate a journey if I blog sporadically. Even the mundane is interesting after a huge break. But it is when I am feeling down or stressed that I need to push through those challenges and continue the journey. When hiding away; it is easier to let time pass and me bury my head in the sand away from challenges. 2. Exercise at least an extra fifteen minutes daily. My goal is to one day get this up to an hour but baby steps. I can spare fifteen minutes extra in a day, a walk, stretching, steps, (even if it is three times in five minute spurts. ) I am trying to think realistically. At least an extra fifteen minutes a day gives me almost two hours a week. And right now that two hours hasn't happened. 3. A food victory daily. I need to get this more specific but for now I am looking for a daily win on the food front. Not finishing a bag of potato chips, defeating a craving by not picking up drive through. As I get myself going on the journey again I need to embrace food as fuel and a tool and stop using it as my crutch and security blanket. So that is my start. Please join me in Fully Understanding Life by Living. I really want my life moments to be FULL. I want my life to be FULL. I want to stop hiding, covering up, and pretending. It isn't going to be easy but it really is now. So here I embark on not a journey to be dabbled in when convenient but a journey to be embraced daily for a lifetime. God bless ya'll and may you find FULLness in every aspect of your life. 'Til we meet again. . .(like tomorrow! :)

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