Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here Wii Go Again

My son started my morning with a nap as his daddy and him had bonded over a bottle early this morning. Fantastic! Nothing gets me moving faster than my son's naps. It helps me an indecisive person make quick decisions and rank my priorities. It's like that game Hot Potato you never know when the music is going to stop. I need to move quickly because he could decide to take a twenty minute nap or an hour maybe if I am two (which is like gold , beautiful but very rare!) I decided to knock my fifteen minute workout early. I dusted off the Wii and got to work. My super friendly joking game informed me it had been two months and that he almost forgot me and then with a joking tone called me by the wrong name. Hardy har har. And then the scale informed me that I had gained six pounds in the last two months. Blech! (a little relief as I thought it Could have been worse, but certainly not great news either.) But onwards to better numbers!!! I took the age test and it ranked me 29 years old and I am 30 so that was kind of nice :) I got a full twenty-two minute workout (including Super Hula Hoop, Kung Fu, and Boxing) when I started to hear stirring from the monitor which was followed quickly by a scream resembling "Hey mom, I'm awake and ready for full attention. TEN HUT LADY!!!! :) But how wonderful any extra movement for the rest of the day is bonus. Today's food victory was a making a menu plan for the next two weeks. Might we have to deviate, possibly. But how freeing it is to have a plan with an entree and at least one veggie planned. This helps with shopping, stops that pointless conversation at night. What's for dinner? I don't know what do you want for dinner...and this conversation either continues several rounds but too often ends with a run to a carry-out/fast food establishment or picking up the phone for delivery. (And very few veggies enter our home this way. I'm not saying you can't get veggies, I'm saying we don't get veggies.) This also helps to focus on bringing healthy food into the house and less junk. I'm excited. It is so much easier for me to cook when I know ahead of time what we are eating. I say I because I rarely stray into the kitchen to actually fix a "real" meal. I truly am the queen of snacking if I wasn't married to such a fabulous man I would be living off of toast and cereal. Not that I don't like to cook. And obviously I love food. Occasionally I can create some tasty meals but I get overloaded when I am in the kitchen. Maybe, I don't make meals, I make feasts. When in the middle of preparation I don't think there is enough food and start adding and then in that middle of the new feast. I become overwhelmed. Being armed with a plan I can go into the kitchen prepare a simple meal (as there is no need to second guess as my husband and I have already agreed to these ideas) and get out. It may sound like I am entering a warzone because in a way I do view the kitchen as one. I have lost many battles in that room; temptation, chaos, guilt, shame, mania, gorgefests, and boredom. But no more, I now hope to view that room as the heart to our hearth where we find nutrition, celebration, adventure, and comfort. This HealthFULL Journey has many twists, turns, and revelations. I have been carrying so much armor to hide my weight. No probably a more truthful statement is that I have been wearing my weight as my armor. And this time on the journey I am starting to feel the chinks and hear the pops of the loosening joint. Hoping those sounds are the start to really letting go of this heavy burden. May you Fully Understand Life by Living and find your haven to retreat when time but also to find strength to move forward. 'Til we meet again.

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