Friday, March 25, 2011

One step into the Next step to equal 560

Once again procrastination has me finishing my fifteen minute goal of movement at 11:57 pm. Today was going to be the day I played hooky. I could feel the stubbornness settling into my muscles and the coaxing voice of temptation easing me into a state of compliance. Whispering sweet nothings like "Oh, you are so tired. Doesn't the bed sound comfy and sleep sound divine?" "Is missing one day really going to matter?" "You can double up tomorrow and decide to work out at least thirty minutes." "Today was busy chalk it up that we can't be perfect". And all of these words sounded so justified and comforting. And as I began to lull myself into a relaxed state of delusion, my health beckoned, my will rallied, and determination fought one last angry burst screaming "NOOOOOoooooooooooo! Fifteen minutes matter because we are establishing a habit. Don't give into the temptation of comfort! You are only hurting yourself and your future!" And then with one final plea, "Don't try for fifteen minutes, just do five. I can quit after five knowing I did my best." And without much thought I grabbed the kitchen timer, set it for fifteen minutes and headed to the steps. My husband asked what I was doing because I was obviously a woman on a mission. And I replied almost sarcastically that I was going to do my fifteen minutes of movement. Wasn't it obvious how I got up from my sleepy state on the recliner and stomped to the steps like an upset teenager. With my feet I began to climb our steps, one step after another, climbing all fourteen steps. Our poor dog, she ran up the stairs all excited as she loves to lounge on our chaise as it contours with her long back. I warned her I wouldn't be upstairs long and upon the top of our steps I turned around and walked back downstairs. Which drove my dog bananas. She then waited eagerly me at the top of the steps wagging her tail. As I reclimbed the fourteen steps I bent down to pet her and then returned down the steps but this time with company. From what I gathered we weren't partners but competitors as she raced me down the stairs. She won. She also won our next two sets of up and down. With a triple crown she called it quits baffled at my actions. I walked forwards, backwards, and sideways. Whatever position would help speed up time. After twenty sets of walking up and down the steps (all 560 of 'em) I hit fourteen minutes and forty seconds. I cooled down the last twenty seconds pacing on even ground. This was a hard workout. It was a mental success and an emotional overload. I didn't want to and I was seconds from giving in. But the thought of not doing something was too overwhelming. There will be days I will fall asleep without a daily workout complete. But that day couldn't be today. I really want/need to establish a pattern that won't be easily erased. If I want to get Healthy than I need to push through these tough moments and forge forward. My food victory was two fold. I picked up fast food for dinner with two sandwiches and fries. I ate my fries and started on the grilled sandwich and realized I was full after eating it. There was still a cheeseburger in my bag which is what I really wanted. But I had to wrestle with my thoughts for a moment. I was full and yet still wanted to eat my tasty cheeseburger. I had to remind myself that I could eat it tomorrow. That's right, nowhere does it say that food purchased must be eaten within twenty minutes. So I have lunch ready to go YAY! and I didn't gorge. I also turned down chocolate cake with the family. It was tempting as it looked delicious. Again nowhere does it say, one must always be eating in the company of others eating always! It's okay to let someone else munch, freeing me to talk and concetrate on listening to others. May you HealthFULL Journey lead you to clear paths and not deceptive routes. 'Til we meet again. . .

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