Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Friendly Hello!

Ohhhh Tuesday yet again you kick my tushy. This day is usually my long day at work. Which means I when I return home I just don't have the energy to do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, but once again the world doesn't stop spinning just for me and my pity party. I have been trying to get over to the library but was already running pretty late and once again skipped going. (No reason except to go to the library. Libraries and parks have always been my safe havens. Something familiar, comforting, and yet with the possibility of the unknown. :) I returned home to the delicious smell of my hubby cooking tacos. My food victory of today was eating when I was hungry and until I was full. I had the lentil leftovers for lunch and ate only half of what I brought ( I did bring quite a lot, I asked my hubby to pack up the leftovers from last night and didn't really know how much was left.) But instead of stuffing myself and being uncomfortable for the day. I thought I'm full. This was tasty and I could eat more but I have plenty for another meal. Okay actually I thought, I'm done. But that was the full thought :) For dinner, I didn't have seconds. I always have seconds on tacos. But once again. I sat an extra few minutes and realized I didn't have to eat more tacos. I convince myself something tastes good, therefore I should eat more. Slowly my stomach is re-teaching me its needs and what my stomach requires and what my eyes and tastebuds tell me don't always match. How funny that on this journey I am learning I need to relearn the basics (breathing, listening to instincts). After dinner it was full on cuddling time with my precious son. We shared a bottle, then a snuggle. I could have sat blissfully like that for the rest of the night. However, I hadn't moved my extra fifteen minutes for the day. Tonight was the kind of night that it would have been so simple to discredit the fifteen minutes. That there are some things bigger in life and worth more than those fifteen minutes. And though time with my son is precious and every second is worth more than infinite amounts of gold. I had to really evaluate the trade off. A small fifteen minutes today to help add years. I've got to trade the blissful minutes today for the years of happiness ahead. It stinks, its not fun, and it is hard but it will be worth it. So I drag myself away from a wonderful quiet evening and head upstairs to the Wii. I step on the board for my weigh in and what a pleasant surprise. I actually reached my goal set 9 days ago to lose five pounds. I can't recall ever reaching my goal on the Wii. Usually I set it almost unreachably high. Because I like a challenge I say (fifteen pounds in 2 weeks). No problem! If I shoot for the stars and miss at least I shot for the stars. But if I could make it, that would be amazing !!! On this journey I am trying to really live and not just let my imagination run wild. I set the goal for five pounds in two weeks and behold I made it. YAY! (I know my statistics course would state that there are variables that can't be accounted and therefore there will be errors. But it was just so exciting to have the Wii cheer and celebrate my efforts. Thank you electronic gadget for being supportive and not destructive. That extra boost led me into a 31 minute work-out. Twenty minutes stepping my way through Biggest Loser. and eleven minutes practicing my inner punk on the skateboard. I'm getting better and will be hanging ten in no time ;) I would also like to take a minute to thank those you have shared their support and their encouragement. It's amazing how much a kind word via in person, email, text, or any other means of today's world; can encourage or motivate. In those dark moments when I want to chuck the whole journey and go rogue, running back to the comforts that are all too familiar I am reminded and lifted by those who have extended their support. Thank you! May you feel the kindness of another's encouragement and support in your weakest moments when you feel the most challenged and tempted by the world. May your friends walk beside you and new friends greet you in your HealthFULL Journey. 'Til we meet again. . .

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