Saturday, May 7, 2011


Haven't we all heard the expression "You know you're comfortable with someone when you can sit in silence?" I can marvel at my son for hours in silence, pet my animals, relax with my hubby, and yet if it is just me. I can't handle the silence. I need to flip on the tv, grab a book; not even in the car can I handle going without the radio or my cell phone. Does that mean I am not comfortable just being me. And honestly the answer is no. I am a stew. I simmer with my emotions - all of them. Sadness, anger, joy and I just let them build and build until I boil over. It's the extremist in me. My poor hubby honestly lives in a musical or a soap opera depending on my mood.

This thought came over me as my son napped this Saturday afternoon. He doesn't tend to nap that long, so once he goes down my sprint begins. I had lunch, two loads of laundry, both bathrooms clean, the floors swept, and now I sit. I am beside myself what to do. He might be sleeping hard because we had a mommy and baby work out. My second DVD for the week was Dance Baby Dance. It wasn't quite the bonding time I had hoped as my son was looking everywhere but mommy for the most part. But I did get to lead and we had lots of snuggle time and who wouldn't love that. After our dance session we did some floor play time. Then a bottle and then nap time.

This HealthFULL Journey has brought a lot of exciting adventures my way, discovering different movements to pursue, different ways to eat and different items to taste, and now it appears the next chapter may be the emotions so that one day I can move or to just be still and quiet.

May your HealthFULL Journey bring you some moments of peace and quiet. 'Til we meet again. . .

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