Sunday, May 15, 2011

Throwing your hands up like you just don't care!

Ahh the relief of surrender.  It is addicting.  I stress, I wring my hands, my shoulders turn into boulders as the stress locks my upper back, I scream, I cry, I pout, I sulk, Headaches abound, I fret, I chew my nails, I scratch, I whimper, I hysterically laugh, I giggle, I chew gum, and these are just some of the side effects as I try to "perfect" my life and those I consider close.  Half the time, these "stress" activities have no true merit.  They don't make my life any more perfect nor do they usually improve my friends or family's and yet I stress.  Because sometimes, all the fretting, all the effort bring a smile to one's face.  And those unfiltered, grateful, awed looks of true unabashed bliss make all the "stressing" worthwhile.  But after I do these rounds for months, weeks, days, hours (depending on the occasions) I have to just surrender to the moment.  Throw your arms up like you just don't care:  Wave 'em, sing praises to God or plead your guilt, give up, shrug shoulders in the classic "whatever" moment, but just let go of that insanity.  It is good to care, horrible to obsess.  I tend to skip attentive and hit the extreme button for that manic approach.  In the relief moments.  I have time to smell the flowers and count my blessings.  In the crazy ramped up stress pace I can utter only my complaints and whines.  Which version brings more smiles?  Not the perfect, frenetic stressed obsessive personality. (Shocking right?)  But the low key version who has time to play "I'm a little teapot" for twenty minutes and then just giggle with my six month old.  The wife who shrugs and says Pizza sounds divine.  Guests coming over and not running around to mop, vacuum, sweep but chilling to open the door with a true smile and not the gritted deer in headlights look.  There is a lot to say about the more relaxed version.  But watch out for the addiction.  Because it is one thing to take a day off of no blogging, a celebratory meal, or a day of rest from "extra movement".  But a whole 'nother thing when one lets these activities snowball and avalanche. Where it becomes several days of no blogging, a week or two of just eating to fulfill the cravings, and skipping a workout.  That stops being restful/relaxed but a full blown quitter.  Quitting can happen without one even realizing that they shed different parts of their interests.  Like you are traveling with a suitcase bursting at the seams.  But if you have to carry this suitcase every hour of every day - you slowly lighten your load.  Perhaps you share the items at first but then you slowly like the freedom of a lighter suitcase and start throwing items and perhaps just leave the suitcase behind because its empty.  But then you realize a few days later.  You have nothing left for yourself or anything to share.  Because in the excitement to let go of some of your burdens you ran away from everything. 

So the moral of this story is rest but don't give up.  So wave your arms like you don't care but when the song ends get back to work :)

May your Healthfull Journey lead you to a path of blessings including rest and the gift of making someone else's day. It might just be your biggest blessing. 'Til we meet again. . .

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