Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New work-outs

I like the dvd approach for my daily work - outs.  It is like hiring a private teacher for free (since I pick up my dvds from the public library) for a perfect amount of time of one week.  Then I switch out my two dvds for two new choices.  It gives me something to anticipate.  Something to play with in my mind.  And by learning something new I have to get out of my head for thirty minutes.  I am not agonizing over my to do list, or my rants, or my memories.  I am really in the moment as I try to mimic the instructor's moves.  The other advantage is that it challenges me.  If I was to bum around the house and dance my way through some tunes I find myself quickly repeating the same steps over and over.  By forcing myself to follow the leader I let go of my inhibitions.  Oh I don't want to stretch that way because I feel it.  Its good to feel it.  It means muscles are waking up that have been ignored for too long.  It is fun to start to see some simple changes: for instance my balance on one leg is much stronger, a little more flexibility, and lowering my anxiety.  That''s right, sometimes I want to pull back into my shell and say oh that move is too hard.  I could never do that.  Yeah if I never try than I absolutely will never be able to accomplish it.  And sometimes I can't figure out a particular rhythm or the move just right, but I am successful either way.  Either I will improve my coordination and strength or I learn to "fail".  I learn how important it is to attempt, to try.  And if at the end I couldn't succeed I have a new goal.  Honestly, if i still can't do the move, my attempts are still burning a lot more calories than if I veg out on the couch and flip on the tv.  I also have started to DVR some early morning routines.  I attempted a shimmy class (early belly dancing) and some brazilian sizzle. 

May your HealthFULL journey be enticing, energizing, educating, and encouraging. "Til we meet again. . .

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