Friday, May 6, 2011

"Real"ly finished

Wow ten days are signed, sealed, and delivered.  There were moments I thought this ten day challenge of real food was going to break me (standing overwhelmed in the supermarket after reading label after label, no morning soda, and my go to snacks had but vanished).  I'll do this challenge again as I keep trying to modify my real life on this real food challenge.  It was a huge eye opener.  I don't need three snacks a day, I don't have to have a dessert to fall asleep, and no chips, soda, or ice cream is okay.  I became acutely aware of the difference between overstuffed and full, and felt actual hunger.  That to eat real food takes some prep time and requires actual cooking.  But this is not  a bad thing.  The food tastes better (and looks better).  Also it helps discourage those heapings of calories that come from mindless eating.  If you have to cook and do the dishes to have an extra snack, it cuts down those bored munchings.  Also I have become reacquainted with water.  Your body is seventy percent water and it needs to be replenished to filter through the organs and keep everything in the body working properly.  I can feel the difference.  It's like certain parts of my body are waking up and letting me know when things are in balance or out of whack.  I have had a couple more headaches than I've had in the past several years but again I don't think this is horrible.  Its my body saying, "I need more water and more sleep (I'm in the heart of finals which have included several late nights after the lil' one catches his shut eye and mommy can think without interruption.) and also I believe it is my body's way of saying good bye to the build up of toxins.

Overall this challenge of real food helped in ways that I could have only hoped.  It made me more aware of my choices, reminded me some tricks to keep my choices on the healthier side, and inspired me to cook more.  Which is a plus in my book as well as my hubby's. 

New DVD from the library finally.  I enjoyed Hula so much that I found a DVD from the same instructor and fumbled my way through  "Tahitian Hip Hop".  Ummm, my hips don't lie, because they don't shimmy.  But I am trying to reacquaint myself with my hips that are in their own way shaking the answer "NO!"  I think part of the benefit of picking out new exercises to follow it keeps things interesting but also keeps me involved.  I pay attention because I don't know what is coming next.  One minute I am thinking will I make it to the end and the next minute it is cool-down and I am another movement checked off the to do list.  This Tahitian Hip Hop was a lot more challenging than the Hula.  What I feel in my movements doesn't feel close to what I see the girls on the DVD leading.  But the good thing is an attempt in exercise still burns calories. So I continue to attempt, fumble, and dance my way to cheery success in saying good-bye to the excess.  I FULLy am on board this HealthFULL Journey and am Fully Understanding Life by Living.  It feels good to be part of the living once again.

May your Healthfull Journey engage you, surprise you, and soothe your weary spirit. "Til we meet again. . .

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