Saturday, October 10, 2009

Somedays are just Ruff!

Well confession time. I didn't get to the gym twice this week, but at least I got there once for an hour workout as I attended my second Zumba class. However, I am happy to report that the gym was not my only exercise for the week. My hubby and I are trying to get more regular at walking our precious baby canine. We had some rainy days that we chose not to brave but otherwise we try to give our Belle a little freedom. Miss Belle, our one year old possible German Shepard - Basset Hound mix puppy is benefiting from our new lifestyle. She can sense when we are beginning the walk prep. As we begin to gather the necessary items, tennis shoes, doggy treats, plastic bag, and a house key. Belle begins the Wiggle Waddle. Her wiggle to the left followed by an excited hop. It must be her way of stretching before the great work-out. Then she almost loses her mind as we reach for her leash. It seriously can take two minutes to calm down her wiggling enough to attach the leash to her collar. Once we are ready we head out the door. She helps me get excited to go for the walk and to appreciate our surroundings. Somehow I have started to take for granted our beautiful, peaceful neighborhood. I begin to notice the small changes like new seasonal decorations, planting of new bushes, tricycles traded out for bicycles. The little things that don't register when rushing off to a new appointment or returning home after a long day. For Belle the walks are always a new adventure and not the certain rhythm we found following the same route. I believe to her it must be new discoveries, adventurous smells, and exciting finds. To me the walk is exercise and something on a to-do list. Until Belle makes me stop. That's right, Belle paces the walk. My favorite time to take our walks is late in the evening. There is a coolness to the air and the nighttime sky is gorgeous with a bright moon and millions of twinkling lights. It is one of the rare times the neighborhood is quiet. In the determined stop of our puppy my husband and I really appreciate what surrounds us. We catch the neighborhood cats hidden in their yard designs. We giggle as Belle tries to catch a frog yet again or finds her favorite snack, sun-fried worms, BLECH! - But she loves them. It gives us a time to catch up on each-other's daily adventures. And with a little pulling and tugging and sometimes a short jog we are sad to realize that our mile and half jaunt is done. So though there are days I feel overwhelmed or just not in the mood for a walk I am grateful I have a puppy who holds me accountable. If I want to truly experience the HealthFULL Journey then I better at least take the first step, at least the first step with a leash attached to a puppy who is always ready-to-go. Enjoy your HealthFULL Journey and may you find a partner as encouraging and excited for your success as I have found. Keep Fully Understanding Life by Living, 'Til we meet again. . .

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