Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Dreaded Green

The vegetable of the week is one that I have dreaded trying! You have all heard of it. Many claim to dislike them. The veggie of the week is. . . . (Can you hear the theme to Jaws?) Brussels Sprouts!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! And you know what? They actually are delicious, and super cute. Now for those of you who are like; count me out. Have you actually tasted a Brussels Sprout? Or even seen a Brussels Sprout? It is one of those vegetables many claim as disgusting and horrible to eat. Words get passed around until everyone is claiming the same opinion, without anyone actually tasting the offender. Or some of you have claimed the Brussels Sprout as your nemesis because you have tried Brussels Sprouts and they were awful. If this sounds like you I read a book awhile back with a cook who said something along the lines, "If you don't like Brussels Sprouts then you are cooking them wrong." Some helpful hints I have gathered in my research is don't buy/prepare frozen Brussels Sprouts. You will end up with a soggy mess every time. If your Brussels Sprouts are gray when you are about to eat them; put the fork down and walk away. Those are either way overcooked or were not a good product from the start. Look for bagged Brussels Sprouts in the produce section with tight leaves, a hefty weight , and bright green. The Brussels Sprout has got the cute factor going on as they look like miniature cabbages with a beautiful shade of green. The taste in raw form near the stem reminded me of cauliflower. That bitter earthy flavor. When we prepared our Brussels Sprouts we trimmed the edge by whacking off the ends and shredded the miniature cabbages. The shredding was quite a relaxing action. We then added a little spice and a smidge of sesame oil and soy sauce then mixed up in our handy wok. The final dish had a great rich nutty flavor to the Brussels Sprouts. We discussed a little extra crunch from a toasted nut would have been perfect. We'll just have to try it next time. Because there will definitely be a next time for the Brussels Sprouts in our house. Don't be scared to try things on your own HealthFULL Journey, even if others claim dislike. You aren't others. Be proud to be you and discover your own tastes as you travel and explore on your HealthFULL Journey. Remember FULL means to Fully Understand Life by Living. So explore, have fun, and Live Healthy. 'Til we meet again.

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