Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ZuMbA Anyone?

Did you Zumba today? Oh, let me tell you I sure did! I completed another first today. I participated in my first class at the gym EVER in my adult life. And it was. . . FUN!!! As you may have figured I went to a Zumba class. Before I explain Zumba to those not in the know. I have another accomplishment I would like to brag about. It is Wednesday night and I have at least met my small goal of working out at the gym at least two times per week. So yay! Now back to Zumba. I am just going to start off that I am a bit of a klutz and without the dancer physique. But I do appreciate those who have talent in the dance field. I love dance movies, dance tv shows, and appreciate those who can do a mighty fine jazz square (that's especially for you my theatre compadres) :) Zumba is a cardio class made up of a little of everything. The class I attended tonight is an hour long and we covered a little bit of everything. I think the dance types they tend to focus on include some salsa, line dancing, hip-hop, kick-boxing, dance basics and etc. The point is to get your heartbeat up, learn some "easy"choreography for roughly 9 songs, and most importantly to have fun. I really appreciated that we all were in the class learning. The instructor stressed to listen to your body if you need a break take it. (I did the full sixty without a sideline break thank you very much:) but I did learn I will bring water the next time I attend!!!) The other bit of advice is if you lose your footwork keep marching. I did march...quite a bit :) I would get pretty excited when she hit the box step and the grapevines. I'm thinking "SCORE!!!" also I do wiggle a fine shimmy if I do say so myself;) But I did have fun. Another great thing to Zumba being my introductory class is that everyone is at a variety of skill levels and stages of physical health. As I mentioned the instructor made it clear to step aside if the joint work is physically uncomfortable. I noticed jumps not my forte right now. There is a little more of Suzy than Suzy prefers for gravity to work against. So as I get stronger "and lighter" the jumping might get a bit easier , I hope ;) That's where marching and I got to be close personal buddies. There was one song where we kept a bounce to the rhythm with our legs and worked our arms the entire song. I will proudly say I was not the only one groaning with relief at the end of that number. Wowsers!!! Loved the two closing numbers as it was all about the stretching. And for the first time in the class I almost felt as if I was up to snuff:) Zumba was definitely a new experience that I am thrilled I tried. What lessons did I learn to carry with me as I continue my HealthFULL Journey? I truly can move for a continuous sixty minutes and still function afterwards. I am klutzy. And the most thrilling discovery, that I can still laugh at myself. :) Life offers too many scenarios where laughter is needed; I am glad that I can still pack a sense of humor no matter where this journey leads, even if it is to a Zumba class. I recommend Zumba to everyone. It is an energizing, challenging, and fun work-out for any skill level. Here's my last question, Zumba Anyone? :)

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