Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shop 'Til I Drop

What a great family day today.  It is a rare gem when my hubby has off on a Saturday.  YAY!!! I told him two days ago that I wanted to have a family fun day on Saturday and get out of the house.  Because we both want to have fun and would love to leave the house.  But we have learned this whole family of three moves at a way different pace then a couple.  As a couple you can lounge and munch on snacks and semi discuss what would be fun to do.  Perhaps browse the web and giggle about events that don't pique our interest but delight that someone has to enjoy it for it to happen.  As a family of three, it is about getting chores done so the house functions (laundry, dishes, and basic clutter patrol), it is about making sure all people in the house are well-rested, that feedings are scheduled and will happen when needed, which means location is key.  It means double-checking the diaper bag, double-checking everyone's outfits (because who knows what surprise may lurk), and then by some miracle vacate the premises. So yes we have to discuss our spontaneous ventures at least two days in advance or it just isn't going to happen.

We have a beautiful downtown area that has a Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings.  We thought this might be a long shot.  To get us as a couple out the front door by 11 am on a Saturday was a challenge, but a family of three almost a lost cause.  Oh notice I said almost.  Because yes we did it.  The three of us were dressed for a public outing and prepared to see the world with the baby even squeezing in a morning nap.  All we had to do was walk around our giant dumpster blocking our garage and taking up our entire driveway.  Remember the boundaries blog.  Well life has gotten crazier.  I thought my boundaries were pushed that day.  Oh no, whole new level!  We needed our roof replaced as we had a mysterious drip drip sound within our walls when it rained.  And then we had spots appearing halfway along our wall.  Awesome!  This project was to take one day.  Ha ha!  They awoke me Thursday morning (when I didn't have to work until 12:30 pm) at 7:35 am (which means they also awoke the baby).  I have a dog barking her loudest, a baby wailing, and me trying to get ahead of the schedule.  Yes roofers come in to my life and shake it up because I have no stress.  One day I can do this. the time I arrived home I saw no one on the roof at four pm but five male adults lying in the shade strewed across my front yard (really interesting sight I have to say).  Do you think they were done?  No no no.  Granted it is crazy hot here, and I can't imagine how hot it is on the actual roof.  But by four pm and the roof isn't even half done, crazy guess this job will take longer than one day.  Surprise surprise, I win the prize.  Nope the roofers will be back Friday but done by lunchtime (for future reference when does your lunch start?).  We started this message that they would be back at 8 am (great that is when our son wakes up. Awesome!)  Oh wait haggling is happening between the roofers, the time is quickly moving to earlier times.  Wait wait do I get a say? Oh good 6:30 am, can't wait!  Our dog did not sleep through their arrival but our son did as they stapled right above his room.  Hmmm I guess that is a bonus?  And they did finish by 8:30 pm.  (Isn't that late for lunch, just curious?)  And the dumpster was to be gone by four today.  I guess the dumpster did not get the message at it still sits proudly in our yard.   Our roof looks great, our front yard looks like the pits, and I apologize to all the neighbors and postman as we continue to take up the street spots with our vehicles.  Also as we had roofers in our yard, on our roof, we also had the drywall contractor in our house.  Yay for boundaries, I am doing so good with them.  Sorry for the rant.  But it has been just nuts in this place.  Back to the Farmer's Market.

How much fun to leisurely walk down a quiet street (as all traffic is blocked so that the vendors can set up their wonderful treats and wares.)  There is something so comforting to see people selling their goods with such passion and pride.  The occasional sample is nice and the stories are so endearing.  We only picked up two finds (pear jam and garlic dip)  Both just spoke to our lil' trio.  Well maybe not the baby (though he does love pears :) but garlic has not quite crossed his palette.  And that stroller comes is very handy to stash our goodies.  Good work baby boy helping mommy and daddy out every way you can :)  We then ventured to run some errands to replenish the house of what we consider "essential" and a few "treats" along the way.  It just was so nice to spend time together in the fresh air, with lots of sunlight and then retreat into some delightful air conditioning where we could meander through the aisles: sharing opinions, critiques, and wants as we pass different items.  One of the buys is for next weeks new produce of the week.  You'll just have to keep your eyes peeled that blog to figure out the purchase;)  We then went home after a quick stop to pick out a special outfit for our li'l one as we have a special event to attend.  We were all a little tuckered.  There was still shopping to be done but had to pick up a couple of items to mail.  And all of us could use a little quiet nap time.

So the exercise today was shopping + tons of walking.  How crazy time flies when a) you are with people you adore/love/like, b)getting stuff accomplished without too much effort - check, check, check of the to do list and c) get a work-out in without feeling like time was stolen.  Super big major plus of the day.  It was a delightful day.

May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to delightful get-a-ways that aren't too far from home that bless your soul, mind, and body.  'Til we meet again. . . 

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