Saturday, August 20, 2011

Splish Splash

Howdy ya'll it has been awhile.  Our computer is on the fritz which means it is two steps from being pitched into whatever respectable protocol will do.  It is ancient by computer standards at eight years of age and many crashes.  But I have a chance to blog tonight.  Today was a special excercise day (that I did anything is sort of amazing.)  But we had our first family swim.  Our little guy has swam twice in the pool. Or floated in his huge pool seat more accurate.  However, his daddy hasn't been able to join us.  But today we made time and the weather cooperated.  This moment was almost missed.  I was planning for that perfect moment.  I was hoping to get off work early so that we could enjoy the pool when it isn't so busy as school is back in session.  Instead I worked a tish later.  Which made me feel that the perfect pool moment had been passed.  Once again with a little encouragement of my hubby and the smiles of a sweet baby boy.  We motivated our tushies into suits and the car.  There was only one other family enjoying the Friday evening air.  With delight our son splashed his parents and laughed in delight.  The scene reminded me that excercise does not have to be a chore.  Movement should be fun and playful.  Not every moment has to be dedicated to the best burn rate but seeking out opportunities to test our abilities and the chance to squeal in delight achieves results.  Consistency is key and consistency happens when motivation is easily attained.  As a parent we believe it is our duty to teach our little ones about the world.  But are usually humbled when our child teaches us.  My little boy inspires to me to be my best version.  I do feel like I fail nine times out of ten, but am motivated to keep trying.  Sadly we have access to a beautiful pool in our neighborhood and I believe I have used it a total of three times (in four years).  It is easy to blame our resources, responsibilities, abilities, others, obstacles, anything for why we don't squeeze in work-outs.  But the truth is when we really want something, place it high on our priority list we can make it happen.  No one can do everything, there is only 24 hours in a day.  But we can use our twenty-four hours any way we choose.  I have to be more conscious of my choices so that I can be my best version; for my son's sake, and my own.  I need to not get lost in the quest of perfection.  And to remember there is always time to splish splash with those we love.

May your HealthFULL Journey be not a quest for perfection but a journey blessed with love, laughter, and lasting memories. 'Til we meet again. . .

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