Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where is my oomph?

Exercise is getting harder and harder to complete.  Where is my oomph?  Tired?  Hot?  Overwhelmed?  These are all common excuses.  But that's when it is important to muddle through.  We are teething in our southern home.  I think that sentence sums up where my patience, energy, and sanity have all gone.  And when I say "we" this is definitely a family activity.  My sweet little boy that slept and smiled has been taken over by a baby that cries, whines, can't sleep for longer than twenty minutes but then is a drooling giggler.  I feel like I am living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde when he was eight months old.  I know these are the times I need to gather my energy to get my endorphins pumping and work out the tension from my muscles.  But ahhh! I am losing my mind!  If you have read another of my blogs "mutiny in the household" mentioned how the world is against my sleep.  And I feel the pattern is back.  I was ready to doze at 1:30 last night and I was about to drag myself to bed I heard the stirrings of the li'l one.  I hesitated and said the silent prayers I believe many parents have uttered.  Please Please fall back asleep.  And a couple of minutes pass and the growls of sleepiness begin to subside until the five alarm scream announces.  Baby needs attention before the house is ready to slumber.  I attempt to address his needs one by one and finally at three o clock we both hit our weariness level and drift to sleep.  He hasn't had anything to eat in the middle of the night in awhile so I figured we might actually have a sleep in kind of morning.  I blissfully shut my eyes for the sweet dreams that come with that thought.  Until my alarm goes off at 6:15 am.  What?!?!?! My hubby sets my alarm when he works so that I can try to get my morning started before our son.  But for two hours later.  Oops.  I crawl/leap back into bed for two more hours of shut eye.  Except a half hour passes and the screams of someone alert the house.  You have got to be kidding!  So once again I believe mutiny was declared and no one informed me.  So you may understand why I really believe the household is teething.  (I hate that he has to cut teeth and wish I could take the pain.  Not only does he hurt but he doesn't really understand what is happening.)

  Where is my oomph?  On my pillow I imagine.  I have played with the idea of a nap.  But sometimes when I nap I turn into a grizzly bear and also experience what movies make a hangover look like.  My thoughts are fuzzy, I can't decipher what time it is, my reactions seem hesitant, and I am just moody because I feel like I lost my day.  Grrrr!  So really it is better to muddle through the day but than I can barely function.  Decisions, decisions.

But I promised myself that I needed to get back on the movement track and made a deal with my hubby.  If you take baby duty for the next thirty minutes I am going to go exercise.  So I drag out the Wii Fit.  And promise myself twenty minutes is acceptable but I am going to get moving.  I am feeling a bit scattered and started skipping through the whole list of exercises (I lost 1.8 lbs in the last two days but gained 9 years.  Kind of sums up my skills).  I did something I don't think I have ever done in a Wii Fit routine.  I used all five categories : Training Plus, Yoga, Strengthening, Aerobics, and Balance games.  Five Alive.  I rarely do the strengthening movements as I use Yoga as my warm up usually.  I really liked the Strengthening exercises and one even stated I was a Bodybuilder. Which I proudly yelled down to my boys.  I know it is a silly pick me up but it did the trick I flew through the full thirty minute work out.  It is amazing how a little encouragement, a little effort, and a little drive actually can help one find their oomph.  It is hard to find anything when sitting down in one place but with a little movement your opportunity increases immensely.

May your HealthFULL Journey bring oomph to all aspects of your life. 'Til we meet again. . .

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