Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Munchie Monster

Let me introduce my munchine monster - Slobberin' Sal the Snacker.  Oh boy does he have a huge appetite.  His superpowers include being able to snack on large amounts of food in one sitting and he loves to fill the belly with snacks that range from sweet to salty, from chewy to crunchy.  My munchie monster prides themself on being able to pick the perfect snack to gnaw on during the perfect show.  You want a lighthearted comedy with sarcastic asides - popcorn or a big bag of chips that you eat one by one, satisfying crunch followed by yet another satisfying crunch.  Tearjerker romance definitely a big bowl of ice cream with all the works.  Sal struck hard tonight and I have to tell you he usually is very convincing.  He whimpers and to the kitchen I run.  But tonight Sal and I tried an experiment.  He shared his request with a moan and a grumble in the tummy.  However, instead of running to the kitchen - I ran away from the kitchen up the stairs.  This confused Sal.  I had my Rocky moment with the fists in the air.  *Ha ha Sal no snacking tonight out of comfot, boredom, or whatever mood you are feeling.*  And then Sal laughed, harder.  Rarely  have I challenged my Munchie monster - we're old pals why start an argument?   He fought back with pictures of satisfying sweets, flavor memories trickling down my throat.  The munchie monster pulled at my stomach and displayed different snacks in my thoughts like a fast food commercial set on "repeat" with an endless budget.  I am trying to distract myself first with the computer and then tv.  But tv is less a distractor and more of a comrade of Sal the snacker.  They go way back.  I am trying to teach myself.  I can actually watch tv for the fun of watching tv.  It is rare for me not to have the remnants of snacking surrounding me on the couch - wrappers of tasty treats while I watch the dvr.  A couple of nights I have tried to trick slobberin' Sal the snacker with hot water and lemon.  The satisfaction of flavor while watching tv without the calories.  Sal was not fooled but also not angered.  My munchie monster feels I am ignoring him and he would be right.  Its time for me to form new habits. Which means I have to re-train my appetite.  When am I REALLY hungry?  And when am I just thinking I am hungry with the help  of my munchie monster?

Its hard.  But every minute that passes is a victory.  Because slowly Sal is losing his hold and once again I am starting to claim more of me; which means I take responsibility for my choices - to snack or not to snack is only the beginning.  Which means I have to kick my munchie monster to the curb.  He did a fine job - he scared me, he upset me, frustrated me, disappointed me, and occasionally comforted me and sadly enabled me.  He helped me rationalize, pat myself on the back, and let me lie to myself.  But no more.  Good bye munchie monster!

If you see my munchie monster - Slobbering Sal the Snacker.  Give him my regards - he was a dear friend at one time but sadly are paths are going in different directions and at this time there is no hope of meeting again.

May your healthfull journey illuminate your true friends.  May you learn who is valuable and who is best to cut ties. 'Til we meet again. . .

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