Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sour face!

Well it is that time of the week when my hubby and I choose our fruit of the week.  Usually we tend to stray towards exciting veggies or fruits with mystical names, or well know but rarely bought.  This week I have to confess as a couple we bought our first grapefruit.  We both have tried grapefruit in the past (when we were quite young).  And this week's was a challenge to face a flavor that neither of us have fond memories of tasting.  Several times in the last month we have heard that broiling grapefruit is a great way to taste the sweetness of this fruit.  We took this word of mouth as a sign we should sample this great smelling citrus fruit once again.

Ummmm I still don't like it!  I have tried it raw and now broiled and I still just find it incredibly sour.  Yes broiling the fruit helps.  It plumps up the inside sections making the fruit plump with juice.  With the juice heated it does bring out the sweetness of the fruit.  However, I still just get this incredible hit of sourness.  The sourness is so intense on my tongue that it almost tastes bitter.  And I like sour - rhubarb, love berries, enjoy lemon and oranges , but grapefruit just doesn't do it for me. I even enjoy the smell of grapefruit. Which is kind of sad.  Because grapefruit specifally helps regulate blood sugar I read in a little diabetic booklet. 

It was kind of funny watching us both try our grapefruit halves.  It was like two kids trying to hide their food under their napkins.  I tried mine first.  In hopes that I didn't like it I could finish the meal with flavors I prefer (poached eggs with toast).  In my head as I chewed the sections I grimaced.  I tried not to show it on my face and discourage my hubby from tasting it himself.  But he knows me too well and realized that my silence to his questions was screaming loud and clear "This stuff is still bitter!"  If I had to eat grapefruit I would prefer it broiled.  But otherwise if my choice most likely this fruit will not be entering our kitchen for a super long time. 

I do encourage everyone to re-visit foods that are low on their lists of favorites.  Our palettes do change.  Giant straws of sugar at the age of twelve sounds delicious - at thirty one sounds kind of gross and absolutely sickening.  Green vegetables at eight sound like torture but as a mom sound nutritious and tasty.  Things change and its okay to reevaluate where our opinions lie.  Sometimes as humans we like nice and neat answers.  Favorite color blue - because it has been since I was nine.  I like math because I used to be good at it.  We cling to who we were because it simplifies things.  But we sometimes lose our own truth when we reach for who we were.  Its okay if purple is your new favorite color.  Its okay if The Lion King is no longer a favorite movie.  Its okay if you are better at Science now and not as good at math.  Life is about change, so it is good to revisit and see if our perspectives and/or our opinions have changed.  This opinion about grapefruit happens to still be the same but I didn't know that yesterday and today I do.  Today it is truth that I don't like grapefruit.  Yesterday, it was only a guess that I didn't.  Stop guessing about your own life and get busy living it.

May your healthFULL Journey help you discover the today's version of you - not who you will be, who you want to be, nor who you were.  But the person you are today so that you can appreciate everything about you and build upon your real version of yourself - not the concept of you.  'Til we meet again. . .

1 comment:

  1. I love this! You are so insightful. And purple is my new favorite color now! :) Great post.
