Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sometimes ...Duh!

Do you find yourself going merrily along the way and then have just a total ditzy realization?  Yeah I've one of mine.  So a good snack that I like to munch on is a mini bag of popcorn.  Well I like to jazz it up sometimes with a popcorn seasoning.  It makes me think of spending the night at a friends house and being super excited that we could have cheesy popcorn.  Since this was not a product my parents bought until I begged after having cheesy popcorn at my friend's.  So as an adult I enjoy this right to have chemical powder on my popcorn.  So one of my recent purchases was seasoning to make the popcorn kettle corn like.  Now I am trying more and more to "read" labels.  And actually make a conscious effort on not only what I buy but what I choose to eat.  It is easier to stay away from the junk food if I don't buy it in the first place and that it doesn't take residence in my pantry mocking me.   So I looked forward to my popcorn treat and grabbed my brand new kettle corn "spice".  Decided to read the ingredients.  Ummm sugar, salt, and then two chemicals.  Yeah - I am an idiot.  Because first off I shouldn't be buying anything where the first word is sugar.  And two.  I spent almost three dollars on this spice that I have the two main ingredients in five pound bags sitting in my cupboard.  And probably spent around the same price for my pounds of sugar and salt that I paid for this little "salt" container size.  Yeah - and what really steals the cake - I didn't really taste the "spice" on my popcorn.  So not only do I already have the product in much cheaper form in my cupboards - I didn't enjoy it.  So yes please hand me my ditzy award now. 

That's why its a journey.  Because I can take a step back and laugh that I don't have all the answers.  That every day is a new lesson to learn.  And what were the lessons we learned.  READ THE LABELS.  Buy consciously.  And don't throw money away for a product you already own! And try to be more successful in avoiding the ditzy fog.

May your healthFULL Journey be filled with laughter, lessons learned, and few ditzy stormclouds. 'Til we meet again. . . 

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