Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cool as a Cucumber

What a fun week!  I truly enjoyed my TGIF as I looked forward to a couple hours with me, myself, and I.  Heavenly as it started with a leisurely stroll through our local library.  I picked up a couple of new excercise DVDs to try - Cardio Hip Hop and some Yoga.  I may not hit every step (as my Wii Fit reminded me this morning that I seriously lack rhythm) but I will have some fun.  Speaking of my friend Wii Fit.  I counted my stamps for showing up - 15 out of the last eighteen days.  Yay me!  I "work out" at least thirty minutes to an hour on the Wii Fit.  And the three days missing stamps - I could recall walking at least thirty minutes those three days.  Reminders!  Stickers, marks, measurements, scale, lists, blood sugar readings - anything visual to remind ourselves that we are making positive changes and true healthFULL strides.  Its easy to throw in the towel when you feel the world against you - the scale numbers went up, pants feel tight, or you feel HUNGRY.  Not hungry lets grab an apple or a handful of nuts.  I'm talking HUNGRY where you will hop into the car and drive to the nearest fast food while speed dialing the pizza place for your old friends that brought happiness (brief along with shame, guilt, fat, carbs, grease - you get the point :)  Thats the exact moment you need a reminder.  These changes are making a difference.  And speaking of changes while at the library I picked up a book to offer me guidance on adjusting to the diabetes diagnosis and a cook book dedicated to those who don't want to sacrifice flavor but want to remain carb conscious.

And speaking of cooking?  I have found myself in the kitchen a lot this week.  My hubby was the main chef tonight (grilling up some cheesy Portabella mushroom burgers - where the mushroom is the patty - hold the bun for me) and I helped with the sides; yummy acorn squash and drumroll as I prepared our featured rookie produce of the week - hothouse cucumbers.  Oh I enjoy cucumbers.  Actually I have a story from when I was in Alaska.  I stayed with many wonderful people who went out of their way to make me feel comfortable and trying to prepare meals with my uncommon food restrictions.  At the time I was eighteen and I didn't eat pork, red meat, or caffeine (that's right no chocolate) for about six years.  I also missed home comforts and our kitchen staples.  When you grow up with certain pantry items you assume everyone has them all the time.  Not the case.  We were staying in a fishing cabin and as we were guests we rarely shopped for our meals.  They were provided so no room to really complain.  But that also means we had little say in our meals.  I remember the host offered cucumber slices.  I went bananas.  Something fresh and raw that I like.  It was cool and crisp and tasty.  I used to dissect my food.  I didn't like food to touch and liked flavors separate.  I ate the non favorite items first and left my favorites for the end.  Meaning sub sandwiches I would eat the lettuce and tomato first (wasn't a fan) and then the meat and then the yummy cheese and maybe some of the bread.  Or salads I would pick out the tomatoes and gulp them down, olives, and then left the one or two cucumber slices with a little ranch for near the end , right before the croutons.  And when the host offered such a simple treat it brought back that joy of a simple treat and comfort of home.  My mom makes me a special creamy cucumber salad (that to this day I am not sure if anyone else in our house liked it). 

So I tried to marinate my Hothouse cucumber today.  Something cooler to go against the warming cozy squash.  It was okay.  I enjoyed the cucumber the peel is not very thick.  And the cucumber has length (at least 16 inches).  Not too many seeds, mellow flavor.  But I didn't pick the best marinade.  A recipe suggested an onion to accompany the cucumber but we were down to our last onion in the house and who doesn't love some caramelized onions on their burger - especially if it is bunless :)  I used a white wine vinegar with some fennel seed (which gives it a licorice kick at the end), pepper, onion powder to accomodate the missing veggie (poor substitute choice as you need the bite of onion more than the flavor), a little dill (because it's a friendly well-known flavor to the cucumber) and a pinch of a sugar.  It needed to marinade a little longer with a little more sweetness.  Which possibly could have come from the onion.  Good produce, poor choices. 

It was a tasty meal and our adventures in the kitchen is bringing my hubby closer.  Not only do we share discussion of how to prepare items and a chance to rub shoulders but to build memories and traditions. Since I am a romantic at heart I love having a cheesy unified foundation to share with our son as he grows older.

May your HealthFULL Journey help you discover your simple pleasures, form heartwarming traditions, and joy. 'Til we meet again. . .

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