Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Diet vs. Lifestyle

I vowed when I started this blog that this was a HealthFULL Journey not a quick fad diet nor an easy fix.  This was meant to be a lifestyle change so that I could fully understand life by living and not a life hidden away waiting for that perfect dress size or pretty picture.  It was to be experienced and not a pause button.  How can one tell the difference between a diet and a habit?  A fad vs a lifestyle?  Its not easy.  Because a dedicated dieter can easily replicate a lifestyle but like every copy there are slight flaws, slight details that stand out glaringly when examined.  I have fallen into the trap of fads and diets on this journey but I keep looking for those habits that can truly lead to a lifestyle change. 

Something today clicked for me.  We as a family were shopping at one of those warehouse stores that sell in bulk.  For the item to truly be a bargain you have to commit to incorporating the item into your daily needs.  Otherwise it is waste.  Well as I am learning food choices that best meet my needs there are a couple of staples that make for easy choices in my day to day meal planning.  Some of these include guacamole (all natural ingredients), mixed nuts, and some produce favorites (such as mushrooms and asparagus).  As we are picking up these new household staples there are numerous landmines of samples.  A dieter might claim these samples don't really count for calories during the day for many humorous reasons - not full serving sizes, negative calories once you count the walking around the warehouse between samples, that it is free food, counts as the snack missed this morning, and so on.  However, these samples are "REAL" calories with "REAL" carbs and "REAL" fat.  Samples are given as a sales ploy.  If I was dieting I would probably either mindlessly snack on these treats or avoid them all together and pat myself on the back.  Then leave the store and purchase a treat as a reward for my true dedication.  I ate one sample and not even the whole thing.  Out of at least eight samples I tried one.  I saw the other seven but made conscious choices that only one deserved my attention.  The one sample I tried was for salmon on a cracker.  I would most likely not buy the crackers but might possibly incorporate the salmon in future meals (the salmon was really salty and that was without the cracker!).  But the other seven were either really fatty, high in carbs (there was a granola sample - talk about pure carbs!) or both. They are not products I plan to purchase so why even tempt myself if they're good and if they're not; why waste the calories?

I have repeated this line several times to remind myself I am not limiting myself or starving myself but I am choosing for my health and a better life.  "I can eat anything but I choose not to eat everything." I could eat a whole cake if I wanted, but I choose not to because of my health.  A dieter feels limited with rules and punishments.  A lifestyle is full of choices and opportunities.  When I choose to avoid certain foods, I am creating a better life for myself.  When I pick out fruits and veggies I am allowing my body to get stronger and healthier because of the vitamins and minerals present.

Those samples could have been my pitfalls.  Oh and temptation will always be a part of life.  But with informed choices and diligent observation I can step aside.  We see the obstacles in our daily lives.  We see cracks in the sidewalk, we noticed left out toys, and we tell ourselves don't forget to avoid the pitfalls.  And even after we saw the obstacle and tell ourselves to change our path we charge directly into the holes on our path.  We get frustrated but hope we remember next time.  Sometimes, that next time we do remember and do sidestep those holes.  Not every time do we remember, but when we do it makes us not only stronger but wiser.  For every stumble there is an opportunity to grow, to choose, and then to move accordingly.  Maybe your stumbling block is starving yourself.  You need to eat  - that can be your step forward.  Maybe your stumbling block is not knowing your nutritious choices - sit down and do some research.  Perhaps you feel alone, call a friend.  For every problem there is a solution. There is a way to avoid your pitfall, if you are ready to not diet but to change your lifestyle.

May your HealthFULL Journey contain few pitfalls.  'Til we meet again. . .

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