Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh, to be a Puppy!

I've mentioned my dear puppy Belle who loves to go for walks. She loves them so much she knows how to watch for certain signs that indicate a walk is in her near future. And when she can't go on a walk she shows her disappointment in various ways. I would like to put forth that no Miss Belle and I have not had our time to reflect and exercise together as I have been sick and the weather quite rainy. Alone these options are not fun, but together the postponement of our walks was inevitable. Belle doesn't quite see it that way. She understands that she has a lot of "energy". She understands that she wants attention. And she understands that she would like to be outside. When we skip walks, her happiness goes down; which has to be shared with the household. Our dachsund/german shepherd/bassett hound mix (we're guessing) one - year - old does not accept the excuse we are skipping our walk/workout for the day. Oh no, she answers back with a full-fledge kickboxing chew-out. No loose item is safe and Miss Belle will get her aggression out. Hats, books, magazines, shoes, cables, our steps, carpet, paper, and more should not expect safety. Belle is going to vent her displeasure, get in a work-out, and just let us know how much she values "family" time during her walks. We all could learn a thing or two from Belle's passion to maintain an active lifestyle. That we need to find a way to burn calories and keep our heart pumping even when the rain overshadows our plans. We also need to express our feelings so that we can communicate to those we hold dear. Now if we could only teach Belle a more constructive and less destructive way to demonstrate her displeasure. May your HealthFULL journey include less destruction and more energy. 'Til we meet again. . .

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