Monday, November 9, 2009

Ridding the Excess Baggage!

Well Howdy, did you notice something? I didn't get three blogs out last week. I didn't even get two :( But, I did make a choice for what would be best for my health in the moment. I chose sleep over blogging late Saturday night. So the big news! Well not so great of news, actually, I am kind of sad, but not shocked; that I haven't lost a pound! Though if I wanted to look at the other side, the good news is I haven't gained a pound either. So this HealthFULL Journey is quite the adventurous experiment. I did say that this effort was to find my way into a healthy life. I sure was hoping to get rid of the extra weight physically, but I am learning there is quite a bit more emotional and mental baggage that needed handling first. I have to say I am not shocked as I haven't found the consistent rhythm for my life, yet. But I am working out kinks everyday. I went into this gung-ho and they say ignorance is bliss. I like to wear the rosy color glasses when starting a project and then I quit when the hue is not so pretty. But this journey I am seeing through, it's life, so it's not really an option. I was excited when picturing the cute outfits I could wear for the holidays and knowing when New Year's hit I would not have to state the same old resolutions because I would already be living them. And though those dates are still in the future. Time is continually speeding up. And I have to start being real. Yes there will be perks when I hit certain milestones. But I have to focus on the task at hand instead of celebrating 3 months to a year in the future. I need to be aware of the big benefits (and risks) and not the "perks". I forget the view from the other side of gaining weight. There was a time when I gained 60 - 70 pounds in a year and I didn't know if it was going to stop. There was four years I couldn't take off my wedding ring. So though I am "disappointed" that I haven't lost more physically. In these last three months I have started to polish off the rosy hue on some memories and polished off the tarnish of others. And slowly, but surely, as some of us tend to spring clean. I am becoming more balanced. I am sorting through the emotional and mental baggage that STILL serves a purpose and the baggage that has overstayed its welcome. Though, I continue to sort through some hang-ups I am growing a bit stronger as a whole person who looks forward to the days where I will enjoy not only the big benefits, but some of the "perks" :) May your HealthFULL Journey be made easier with the good baggage and never hindered by excess baggage. 'Til we meet again. . .

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