Saturday, May 12, 2012

It only takes a Spark

Do you know that good ol' campfire song? 

It only takes a spark - to get a fire going. 
That’s how it is with God’s love
Once you’ve experienced it,
you spread His love to everyone
You want to pass it on.
 (I believe this is title Pass It On written by Kurt Kaiser - great song - lots of memories singing it :)

I had the best of intentions to write two other blog entries before this one.  But life happened and quickly passed.  I was going to share some of my struggles in a post titled Derailed and then the next one was to be more upbeat how sometimes we need to "Drop Everything for a Hug" sharing some of my parenting joys and letting go of some of the chores for more smiles both from me and my son.  But as hours passed and now we are on a new day overflowing with joy.  That I just had to share where I was today. 

First last night I actually went out with a friend - no hubby, no toddler,  but me as Suzy with no other titles or responsibilities other than to be present.  It was amazing!  To laugh, to talk UNinterrupted in more than two word sentences, and to actually eat when the food was still hot.  I don't do this a lot.  As you probably guessed by my enthusiasm.  But when I do carve away that time I wonder why I don't do it more often. And then as I head home with excitement and feeling rebooted to spend time with  my guys I remember how much I do love to spend time with them - chores and everything :)  But we do need that break to refresh, maybe it's time alone, maybe a creative project, maybe work, maybe a night out with friends, or maybe a chance to give back.  We are intelligent human beings who crave stimulation.  We need opportunities that feed our senses and if we keep ourselves in the same patterns and environments it is hard to stimulate those senses.  However, once we hit refresh on those senses we can come back to our "daily lives" with new perspective - which in the end can change any or everything!  

So after my enjoyable evening (which I have to brag about my hubby not only being a good sport about taking on single parent duties, but also my biggest cheerleader to encourage this much needed girl time.); it was to be an early morning this gorgeous Saturday.  Again my fantastic hubby took on playing the parental role solo so that I could attend a charity/awareness event.  As you may know one of my 1 resolutions for this year was to participate at least monthly with purpose with a new charity.  I really debated if I wanted to walk/stroll this community event "Race for Adoption" to raise awareness about adoption.  It was only a 5k and we've enjoyed the last couple we've participated.  But after prayer and a lot of thought I decided that it would be fun and different to actually volunteer for the event, not just be a participant. 

The race started at nine in the morning, but volunteers were requested to be there between seven thirty and eight.  Oooh!  Not that I wouldn't be up by that time but dressed and ready to help not a very typical Saturday morning.  These are usually good jammy mornings for my son and I.  But I arrived around 7:40 and looked around for the gathering spot.  I found the man in charge who put me in contact with the guy with the clipboard.  That should have been my first clue that he was the best guy to talk to.  What is it about clipboards?   Don't they make everyone look so organized and official?  I was assigned Turnpoint 2.  That's how early I was for sign-ups :)  What was so great about this position?  You got to see the participants early in the run and then close to the end of the race as this was one of two spots they passed twice.  Me and my turnpoint partner felt it was our volunteer duty to not only point out the way but cheer and applaud with enthusiasm :)  I am sure some of the participants appreciated our effort, I'm also sure some were annoyed but probably not as much as the people who lived in the houses near where we stood.  But I felt moved to applaud for so many reasons.

It was such a blessing to see people of all ages, sizes, and health ranges participate.  I think there were close to 280 runners/walkers for a first time event.  Pretty impressive.  It was inspiring to see the parents out pushing their newborns and toddlers in double-strollers,  people who are struggling with weight ( I know that fight well!!!) but still out there giving it their all, people who are grandparents still finishing the race of three miles under thirty minutes (I couldn't do that!), and those runners who run daily (and you can tell) and are graceful and impressive, there were teenagers chatting it up, solo walkers who might have been praying or meditating.  But all together just a beautiful sight and opportunity to people watch.  This was real reality tv :)  Guards down and people just doing their thing using different sources of motivation. 

These people without trying were so motivating I got home feeling just pumped.  It was still a tish downcast but gorgeous and I grabbed my son, his stroller, and our dancing dog.  Our dog just gets so excited at the appearance of an impending walk.  And together my little trio walked about a mile and a half.  This is usually our stroll around the neighborhood but after seeing everyone come together and compete or stroll according to their skills and mindset; I just had to get outside and walk.  I also decided that next year especially if they hold this same event.  I am going to be a participant and not walk (well the whole way :) . I may not run/race the whole way but I do want to finish the three miles in under thirty minutes.  That's my goal and I want to be held accountable.  In one year's time I am going to finish a 5k in less than thirty minutes. I can do this.  So thank you runners for inspiring me.

It only takes a spark!  You can be that spark!  I believe this is a quote of Theodore Roosevelt's I love it so much I wrote it twice in my Bible - "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
There is no time like right now to share your inner glow :)

May your HealthFULL Journey offer you ample opportunities to refresh so that you can be that spark to motivate others.  'Til we meet again. . . 


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