Saturday, May 26, 2012

Life gets Messy

Do you make plans?  Do you make lists?  I make oodles and oodles of them.  I jot myself notes.  I chickenscratch endless to do lists.  And then I throw them out the window because life gets messy.  I had high hopes to run to Whole Foods to pick our family's new produce for the week.  But life happened and what was to be a errand kind of afternoon turned into my son needing a bath.  It happens.  He had one last night and most likely will have one tomorrow so that he can look and smell his Sunday best.  But life got messy and he needed one Friday as well.  This might not be right to admit but my son has only had three baths three days in a row when he was sick and we were trying to keep his fevers down. 

We are in the teething stage.  I feel like our household is in lockdown always because of the teething monster who likes to strike at night.  My hubby and I and even our toddler probably had plans for sleep but the teething monster lurks around and keeps us all awake with moans and spontaneous screams.  Life gets messy and we have to deal. 

Its good to have plans.  Its great to have goals and dreams.  But it is important to be realistic which means to be flexible. Because Life gets messy.  We can't stop chaos.  We can't even safeguard against it.  We try.  We save, we try to exercise and eat healthy, we try to schedule fun and stay on top of chores.  We charge our phones. We stock up on groceries.  But it happens that we don't always have the exact thing we need when we need it.  This seems impossible when restaurants deliver, online ordering is 24/7 with express delivery and yet we still sometimes find ourselves ill-prepared.  We can't plan for everything and yet we try.  We try to cover all the bases and sometimes we still our overwhelmed because repeat after me : Life gets Messy. 

I like to please.  I like to do things "right" and yet we all have only one life.  Do we continue to run ourselves ragged? Do we just make even more lists in anticipation of what messes life can throw our way?  Not likely since that would be impossible. 

So we do our best.  We keep working towards our goals.  We keep trudging on paths that feel sturdy and help us become stronger.  We pray for God's wisdom.  Then after all that when life gets messy we breathe, we live, and do the best we can.  And sometimes, after those messy situations we see all the blessings that arrived because of the mess or appreciate even more what remained.

If you are working on your health keep striving to get leaner, stronger, and healthier.  If you are trying to get closer to God - continue to pray, cling to scriptures, and worship with other believers.  If you are crushing debt - keep plugging away - save when you can, earn what you can, and pay down debts as quickly as possible.  If you are getting organized - make your lists, clear the clutter, and admire your efforts.  But in the end, when life gets messy - set the to dos aside and do your best.

May your HealthFULL Journey be a journey that doesn't easily get derailed and that every effort is worth applause. 'Til we meet again. . .

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