Saturday, May 19, 2012

Not just a movie anymore

Alright people we have tried okra to claim our southern living.  But we felt there was another produce that screams southern that we hadn't quite fried and tasted for ourselves (but have seen the movie :) - Fried Green Tomatoes.  They are delicious!  But then fried anything tends to always be an enjoyable guilty pleasure. 

Freshly sliced and awaiting the battering & frying!
At least it wasn't deep fried.  We used one of trusted recipe books and the recipe was super simple with a four step batter process.  I was the dipper and my hubby was the fryer.  First select firm green tomatoes.  I assume that's why the South chooses green tomatoes because of their firmness.  And I also think that you want the heat to help release the tomato flavor. 

I believe I admitted that in the Pearly Vine blog I am not the biggest tomato fan.  I love tomato based sauces and I enjoy when a tomato is heated to release the sweetness. But rarely do I enjoy straight up tomato.  These fried slices were tasty! 

Back to the actual prepping of this yummy side. Once you have the tomatoes you want to slice them generously - between 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.  Then begin the four step battering.  We dunked the slices into milk then dredged them in flour continued the process by letting the slices slip around in some beaten eggs and finally smothered with breadcrumbs -  Ummm yeah not oh so healthy (which I did promise my doctor I was going to try harder on that front - more later about that) but delicious!  After these slices were quadruple coated we let them sizzle in some olive oil.  I believe because of the weight of the tomato you wouldn't want to deep - fry because these slices weren't going to float but drown.  So we used olive oil (not too high of heat) and let the coating sizzle for roughly four minutes a side (let the batter get golden and crispy).  The process sounds lengthy but goes quickly and clean-up was all shallow bowls so they went into the dishwasher - voila!  And a quick wipe down of the pan after using it.  The rest of our meal included a steamer bag of vegetables.  Brilliant technology.  Great vegetable flavor and you take the bag from the freezer into the microwave and done!  The entree for our southern meal was grilled thinly sliced pork chops - fantastic!  Which is why clean-up was such a breeze. 

Again I urge you non-chefs and fearful boilers of water - little steps and you too can feel like a master chef in your kitchen.  I am still no Julia Child but my hubby and I find time to giggle, bond, and are more likely to eat at home (saving money, time, and calories) if we share apron duty :) 

So about that doctor visit.  My last appointment was Wednesday and blah!  Not awesome - there certainly wasn't no hug this visit but then I have been eating like a crazy ravenous tazmanian devil.  I crossed my fingers and hoped that my A1C(blood sugar average reading for the last three months) wouldn't jump to the 8's.  I started in October at 10.2 (horrible - uncontrolled full blown diabetic level reasons to have concerns).  Then in February with medication and healthier diet and some exercise my A1C read 6.1 (reason I got a hug from my doctor :)  May's reading was 7.1.  I felt blessed.  I have gotten my movement back up but let my eating slip for lots of reasons. Also a three pound weight gain from my Feb visit which isn't horrible for three months but then I also know that I had lost five to six pounds before the gain.  Which equals an eight to nine pound gain.  And honestly I had weighed myself a couple of weeks ago and had been up another four pounds.  So really there had been a 12 - thirteen pound weight gain.  Ouch!  But I lost four of those pounds which equaled a three pound gain on my doctor's charts.  I was very honest with my doctor that it was a diet issue most likely and let's not up the medication yet. She agreed but I promised better results in August.  Which means although the Fried Green Tomatoes were tasty they will not become a staple in our household.  For some of my choices the numbers (weight, A1C, blood pressure) could have been worse but I received a slight gift and I just need to get back on track. I think one of the big differences between visits is that  in October I was terrified.  That doctor visit was a huge wake up call!  And I took the process seriously which opened the door to great results - four point drop in my A1C and a 16 pound weight loss.  The numbers weren't in my favor but then I also hadn't put forth nearly as much of the effort. 

Small steps I have taken to ensure more success.  Taking my blood sugar more regularly.  Packing healthier snacks (I have honey roasted peanuts packed in snack bags according to actual serving size and sandwich bags of popcorn). Its somewhat working to have healthier options at the fingertips as I was hungry and grabbed some edamame (soybeans) instead of chowing down chips, candy, or other treats that I tend to take by the fistful instead of by the serving.  Also there are sliced strawberries and yellow peppers to eat plain, mix with some yogurt (just the strawberries on this one), or drop in a salad.  And I am back to accepting nothing less than 7000 steps on the pedometer hoping for more but that is my bottom out number.  Which means I fell asleep on the recliner two nights ago at 6000 steps and woke up and walked my last 1000 steps before actually retiring to bed.  Its the little choices that make a big difference.  I can't do it all in a day, but I can do something right now to keep me motivated and on track.

May your HealthFULL Journey share the wake up calls when you need them, encouragement when you're struggling, and applause for a success whether it be big or small because all successful steps lead to the big prize of you living as your best and healthiest version. 'Til we meet again. . .

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