Thursday, March 29, 2012

O' Honey Honey

Oh Honey no go on the mango!  Our fruit of the week was the Honey Mango.  I thought I liked the flavor mango.  However, I realized tonight I do not really enjoy a mango by itself.  When mango is mixed in with other flavors I enjoy its tangy factor.  But by itself I find the mango flavor a little sickening - a bit like an overripe peach.  It has an overt sweetness with a tanginess.  Not really sour, but even thinking about it makes me scrape my tongue against my teeth in attempts of ridding myself of the flavor. 

Our plan was to eat the mango raw mixed into a fruit salad of strawberries, cantaloupe, and possibly a banana - kind of a tropical fruit sensation.  We figured this would pair well with our spinach and bacon quiche, possible asparagus puffs, and then the fruit. However, plans changed.  We still had the quiche which was delicious!  No asparagus puffs because I ran out of time to try out a new recipe that required effort and/or time.  So we substituted roasted brussel sprouts - one of my favorites.  Probably my favorite new produce of the week find - they have such a wonderful nuttiness, with a bit of earthy quality and they are so cute!!! Little cabbages that roast so tastily!  Also our fruit salad went through a major upheaval.  The cantaloupe was too ripe.  It was a bit mushy in texture for a melon.  Then we didn't even think to cut up the banana and my husband after two bites of trying the mango said he was done.  I offered him my incredible mixture of small toasts covered with a thin layer of cream cheese, sliced strawberries, diced avocado, and mango chunks.  Together it was a pretty good combination.  Again it was the combination factor not the yumminess of mango.  I wouldn't say I will crave this creation a lot in the future.  I did find the visual attractive, especially if you are going for a traffic light theme (red yellow and green).  But most likely in the future I will leave the honey mango on the shelf.  I am proud of us stepping out of the comfort zone but not all of our choices get to be winners!  Sometimes they are just an experience that leaves us wiser.

May your HealthFULL Journey include lessons, experiences, and enjoyment.  May every day be an adventure to appreciate all that is around you and inspire the willingness to keep learning new things.
'Til we meet again. . .

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