Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bloomin' GreenThumbs

They say you become what you eat.  Well Corey and I must be eating more green these days as our thumbs are turning a smidgen green.  Just a smidgen though.  As a couple we did something tonight we have never dared to try.  We planted flowers together. That's right people we planted flowers!  Why is this such a big deal?  In our eight years of marriage we have never even owned a house plant.  And we certainly have never planted anything together.  Yesterday afternoon after church we went to our neighborhood home improvement store.  And the place was packed!!! I remember when shops weren't open on Sunday and when they started to open businesses I remember my family parking at Menard's when we lived up North many moons ago and waiting there outside in the parking lot.  The doors were to open at noon and our family along with approximately twenty other cars waited for the noon hour to strike so that we could as a family peruse the aisles feeling like we were taking a nibble at the forbidden fruit.  Nowadays it seems strange when a company chooses to close their doors on Sunday.  I applaud that reasoning but I must confess I find myself more at the stores on Sunday than I like to think about.  Back to our shopping trip. Now as I mentioned - my hubby and I not the real planting kind of people.  Or at least haven't been for eight years.  But time to turn over a new leaf (pun totally intended :)  We found ourselves winding up and down the gardening aisles trying to make "practical" choices as we take our first turn at planting flowers.  I get distracted my funky designs and shiny colors.  Also a fun name to pronounce almost guarantees an impulsive buy which is why I bring my hubby who keeps me F-o-c-u-s-e-d!!! No we do not need two shovels(though we definitely needed one as many months ago I taugh a root a lesson and then it fought back destroying our one and only shovel :(  and a hoe and a tool I can't even pronounced.  No we don't need the thirty to forty dollar version of any tool.  I sometimes ask my hubby if he feels like he has two kids and totally straight-faced he usually replies with a sigh "sometimes".  This shopping experience was definitely one of those times as I demanded constant attention and our son has learned to sing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh repeatedly and for long breaths!!!  That's my boy!  His highlight was when a great dane walked by him and sniffed his shoe and made Drew giggle.  Then in response to the giggle the dog lifted his head to be patted.  This dog was huge.  My son had no problem reaching LEVEL from his seat in the cart to pat the dog on the head.  So Drew's entertained and we decided on two bags of soil - six flowers (2 of each: petunias, marigolds, and pretty blue ones), two pairs of work gloves, and six tools (one starting kit of four tools).  We waited in anticipation to start the work today (monday).

As work wound down for the day I debated if I really wanted to plant the flowers.  My energy was waning and it wasn't a simple task of digging dirt, placing flowers and calling it a day.  We have lived in our house for almost five years and we have not weeded in our front yard at all!  There were a lot of weeds to attack and the weeds have the upper hand.  Because I still have no idea what I am doing.  As I stepped outside into the beautiful sunshine with the perfect temperature - warm with just a slight breeze - I knew I would be planting flowers when I got home.  And sure enough as I pull into my driveway there is a pretty cute gardener already attacking those nasty weeds.  I change into yard clothes (as if I know what qualifies here) and begin pulling weeds.  Wow there is some satisfaction of pulling out the unfriendly weeds to make room for the beautiful flowers purposefully chosen.  Also and though I am aware of this fact I am up close and personally aware now.  Bugs are living in our dirt.  I am not a fan of most bugs,  actually I am a downright scaredy cat when it comes to bugs but I persevered.  As we began to spread our soil we realize two bags is not going to get this small job done at all.  So dressed as gardeners or our interpretation of gardeners we head back to the home improvement store and pick up four more bags of soil and two more plants. 

The sun is beginning to set as we race back home.  But my hubby won't let a little darkness slow down our couple bonding project.  We spread out our soil.  Have you ever seen those meditation gifts designed for desks - a little sand yard to rake as a way to promote peace and tranquility.  The life-size version just as relaxing as I dragged the rake through the soil around the tree.  Oh goody time for the best part - digging holes and placing the plants to create a beautiful front yard.  This activity is not nearly as easy as it looks.  First, you have to dig the right size hole - too big your plants get drowned by dirt.  If the hole is too small the plants sit funny and won't be able to take root properly which means it won't bloom properly.  Also the plants don't just pop out of their containers but have to be wrestled out of their container and nearly mangled to finally be re-planted.  As the eight o'clock hour struck we were ready to finally call it an evening; with eight beautiful flowers newly planted in our front yard. 

Already we are reaping the benefits.  One we got to enjoy each other's company and laugh at trying something new together.  Nothing can help form a bond or tighten a bond as approaching a new activity together.  Two our neighbors seemed appreciative of our effort.  We definitely didn't knock a grand slam on our first planting but our neighbors complimented, waved, and smiled their approval.  We secretly think that our neighbors are just glad we removed the five years worth of weeds - at least that are visible in the front yard :)  And the final quick reward is that I can't wait to return home tomorrow and not cringe at our weeds but to smile at our flowers.

May your HealthFULL Journey plant happiness all around you and come into bloom just when you need it. ' Til we meet again. . .

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