Saturday, March 24, 2012

Momentus Momentum

Oh life how you mock me!  Drew woke up at the glorious time of quarter to seven.   Sunshine why do you appear so early and then play a peek a boo all day long?!?!?  As his babbling increased I began my typical morning race. Pit stop in the restroom for mommy.  Stumble to the outside door and trip over the racing cat to let out the dog.  (I know its an early morning when the dog stays sleeping in the bed.)  I grab some treats for our cat.  Change out the dog's water and give her food. Pour my son his milk.  Towel off the dog.  And then race to my son's room as he began to dramatically increase the volume and pace of his babble.  I have seven minutes.  What doesn't get done within those seven minutes immediately loses priority and enters Toddler time - where time revolves around the toddler's needs, wants, approval and satisfaction level.  I enter his room and we begin our morning exchange of conversation.  As he changes into his new diaper we began to discuss what should we do today?  And then like a ton of bricks I remember.  We already have plans today!  Oh me! Oh my!  Adrenaline surge and I have to quickly take a deep breath and grasp reality by running through the facts about our plans.  Okay what time is it? Just before seven - good.  What time does the breakfast start?  8:30 - I think?  or was it 8?  8 would not be good - 8:30 is doable.  Shout to hubby I need the car you'll have to take the truck.  Switch out keys.  And sweetly but also rudely tell hubby to hurry up in the shower.  So that I too can get ready: as this mommy did not have immediate plans to leave her comfy jammies.  But plans were made and now it is time to jump into gear.  I grab my happy toddler in his pjs and get him dressed after he picks the one shirt I couldn't immediately find pants to match.  I even questioned his choice : Are you sure this is the shirt you want to wear?  He looks at me with arched brow "Yeah" .  But the whole demeanor was definitely -why would I pick it if I didn't want it?  Its like he knows we have a deadline and the other shirts had easy to reach pants.  My fault - if I give him the choice I need to follow-through.  I rip through piles of clothes find the pants - YAY small victory.  
I sit him in his high chair for a small breakfast.  We were going to a mommy and me breakfast but you know with toddlers - hungry now, and not sure what kind of day we are having taste wise nor what our options would be.  Plus as we did a quick daddy/mommy transition of caretaker the boy was safely contained.  Then back to mommy duty as we kiss daddy good-bye. 

We made it to the breakfast on time with a little adrenaline to spare.  Does that happen to you?  You start your day in one state of mind and in the blink of the eye it goes a completely different direction.  I thought we were starting an early lazy day and God reminded me that we actually had some place to be.

I think that is the moral of the story.  It is tempting to be lazy and lounge and move at what is comfortable.  Comfortable is comfortable but to move or to grow one needs momentum.  How do we encourage momentum in our own lives?

Lists - simply writing something down makes the goal more tangible than letting it surf brain waves and getting lost in the web of your many thoughts.

Appointments - we are more likely to go somewhere if we mark our calendars. I know many people if it doesn't get in the calendar - time and life will steamroll right over the event. 

Verbalize Commitment - this is one step past jotting on your calendar.  You are telling someone I'll be there.  You are asking for accountability from yourself and the person expecting you.

Because of this simple activity.  My son and I had a great breakfast, time to socialize with peers (both of us - which is a huge WIN/WIN!) enjoyed the sunshine, had a quick nap as he wore himself out and now it is only noon and we both are itching to have some more fun!  Momentum helps us to truly activate our own life.  No longer am I sitting on the couch just hoping for a better life - I am actively living that better life I used to dream about.

May your HealthFULL Journey catch you by surprise and push you forward with momentum that blesses you FULLy.  'Til we meet again. . .

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