Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fresh Air!

Wow!  There is something to being outside.  I like to imagine I am an outside girl.  I love the stars.  I love the thought of being adventurous.  I love pictures of nature - really wooded secluded areas or sunsets or those beautiful relaxing beach scenes.  But I am not a huge fan of the sun (its usually too bright and too hot because its the sun).  Bugs are not my friends they tend to freak me out especially ones with wings and birds always have wings so again not so much a fan.  And probably the real truth about being outside it naturally encourages to engage with your surroundings - to be active.  When you have been heavy most of your life you seek comfort and/or relief.  Bring me my chaise dahling I am ready to sit for a spell.  It is easy in a home or any place indoors to find comfort from a seat or even a counter to lean on.  But outside encourages you to walk from point a to point b,  To stand for longer than two minutes, or gulp be even more active with that fresh air and sunshine.  However, as I push myself to do more activities I find out I WANT to do more activities. 

We started out with dreary days this week - all gloomy gray, foggy and lots and lots of puddles! To have such extremely depressing weather made this area thirst for a spot of sunshine.  So when the sunshine showed up we cheered and marched outside to wave hello and shout our thanks!   This extreme change in the outside motivated my hubby and me not once but two days in a row to put on our walking shoes, grab the stroller and a leash.  Cheers erupted from our house as our son giggled and squealed in delight and our dog well she ran around like a maniac - but a happy maniac.  

Then today  my son and me headed to a nearby park to enjoy quality time with some friends. Isn't there something so special about a playground that ignites true happiness in our hearts?  A place we go to play and its only purpose was to be a structure built to encourage fun.   Fantastic!  It was so good to chase after my little one crawling under tunnels and cruising on the balance beam.  It felt so freeing to not have windows closed nor walls surrounding us.  But endless opportunities to climb, crawl, swing, chase, and giggle.  The energy we absorbed from the sun and the fresh air and then released with playing.  Good stuff!

Maybe this HealthFULL Journey will help me make the transfer from a girl who thinks she likes the outside into a true fan of being outside while active.

May your HealthFULL Journey rejuvenate your soul and your day with some sunshine and fresh air. 'Til we meet again. . .

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast today!! Its so true that when you leave your comfort zone and get outside you want to do more things like that. :) Good stuff!
