Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We all need to learn how to R.E.S.T. especially in the world we are living : Relaxing Effortlessly & Stop Trying.  Aren't we always trying something?  I know I am , I am a dweller.  And when dwelling it is all about how to do things better, for the quest of perfection. I dwell on what was, what is and what could be. But when you dwell there is no room for R.E.S.T.  We pride ourselves on being a multi-tasking gurus.  Have you ever caught yourself arguing with someone about how much you did today (this is a typical spouse discussion) or how little sleep you've gotten? Isn't that a weird fight?  And you catch yourself halfway but you are so determined to win and what does the winner win?  The right to be grouchier?   This blog was going to be titled Working Hard to Relax.  My family is planning a beach vacation.  We spent all day Saturday buying our list of "needed supplies", traipsing from store to store in hopes of purchasing that single item that will add extra bliss to our get-a-way.   Vacation snacks are my guiltiest pleasure.  Not that I limit my food choices all that much but vacation goodies are to be that extra splurge that doesn't usually enter the house for daily consumption.  Half won't be eaten on the trip, I know this, my hubby teases me, and yet I throw them in the cart and while adding this treat I have added six chores: shopping, unloading item in house, to pack in car, to unpack car to hotel, and then most likely re-pack and unpack at home.   I do this with a lot of items.  No wonder I am so exhausted by the time vacation arrives.  I am tripling my workload to hope for that "bliss of perfect" vacation.  And don't beach vacations sound a little bit more luxurious.  And really if you think about it.  You are grabbing your skimpiest outfit that you will parade in public, to carry half of your belongings for those "extra comforts" to sit on a pile of dirt and then rinse yourself in dirty salty water with creatures living in it, and most likely ending up with a sunburn. So much fun! And yet, I can't wait.  I anticipate the moment our son discovers sand and how the water sounds lapping the beach.  I look forward to my husband's smile as he carries our little boy through the water as our son giggles at the cool liquid touching his legs and most likely splish splashing both of us to his heart's content.  But that is the point of this little blog entry.  That all sounds great but I need to enjoy the "now" and stop trying for then.  Maybe put back an item or two or three from the snacks I most likely won't eat on the trip (so won't really miss) instead of chowing down on them when I am bored around the house (and have lugged from the store, to home, to the hotel, back home - so deserve a good home in my tummy, no!) and enjoy the shopping of our son choosing a second swimsuit with sharks and then sharing his pirate face or how when he checked out he was seconds from his first shoplifting (let's hope this is the closest he will ever come) as we learn our son has great pincher skills.  We didn't see the batteries at the checkout stand but the shine caught our li'l one's eye.  There are moments in every day for us to truly R.E.S.T. if we let go of all the trying and multi-tasking and be present effortlessly.   So as we plan our soon vacation, the get-a-way will be a nice change of scenery but the R.E.S.T. starts now.

May your HealthFULL Journey include REST. 'Til we meet again. . .

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