Saturday, June 9, 2012

What is that in your mouth?

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What is that in your Mouth?

Jesus called the crowd to him and said,
 "Listen and understand. 
What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean'
but what comes out of his mouth,
that is what makes him 'unclean.'"
Matthew 15: 10 - 11

"What is that in your mouth?"  As a mom to a toddler I ask this question more than probably any other question in a day.  And he giggles and continues to chew with a grin.  Nine times out of ten - its dog food.  Ewww!  And what's worse?  I know I am nine times out of ten going to have to go in that drooly mouth full of baby shark teeth ready to chomp because this kid teethes ALL THE TIME.  He has to be on his fourth set of teeth!  But as I asked this question for the umpteenth time today - it hit me.  I ask my son this question ALL the time and occasionally I ask my hubby as he has found something to snack and I am curious do I want that same snack.  But do you know who I rarely ask that question ?  Myself.  I put tons of junk in my mouth and then wonder why my stomach isn't shrinking?  Its amazing what a little clarity does.  The only person asking this question was myself and I got a little antsy as if this was a full on interrogation with a windowless room, squeaky chair, and dimly lit bulb swinging in front of my face.  (I really need to lay off the television cop shows ;)  

I am an adult, a mom even and I still eat as if I was in elementary school sneaking cookies and chips from the kitchen with an extra can of pop.  Who I am kidding?  I'm the one buying the junk food and still I act like an innocent victim of how is this junk getting into our house.  Well I don't want to waste food so I will cram it down my throat in a couple days worth of time.  Because that way I won't eat this guilty junk in the future.  Ummmmm that's still wasting the food but now instead of seeing the food in the trash I see it in the mirror.  The view is still quite disturbing and a bit even more unpleasant.   And what happens?  The cupboards look bare so it is time to fill 'em and wait for it!  Yup more junk food ends up in the cart that I pay for bring home and hide in the cupboards to sneak once again when no one is looking except me.  Ummmmmm anyone else see a problem here or there?  

I tell ya that toddler teaches me everyday, a little about him, a little about me, and a lot about the world.  As I mulled over this information because I didn't like the unsettling feeling it was stirring I googled-  Putting things in our  mouth scripture.  Googled was ever so helpful and changed my phrasing to what it felt I meant to say.  Good job Google!

It lead me to Matthew 15:11 - "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean'.  It wasn't what I was looking for exactly - but better.  That happens a lot when you are in the middle of the journey and taking the path that seems best at the time.  You don't always end up where you think but instead find the best moments of the journey by accident. 

I was worried what was going into our mouths - my son Drew's maybe too much and mine not enough.  But my concern should be more on what comes out of our mouths because they come from our heart as we read in Matthew 15:18.  Could my words be kinder, more gentle?  Am I speaking in patience or from exasperation?  Do my words match my actions or are they hypocritical?  Are they too harsh?  Should they be more encouraging? For example, I say I want to get healthier and lose weight.  And yet, I don't ask myself enough what am I putting in my mouth?  And more so, what is coming out of my mouth? 

We may be what we eat, but we people know us by what we say?  What are you saying and sharing with the world?

May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to answers for the tough questions and  to questions that will help shape your journey. 'Til we meet again. . .


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