Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hot Potato!

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. 
 For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
-- 2 Corinthians 4:18

Isn't there something almost magical about farming? You plant these tiny little seeds, nurture that seed and it becomes a plant that with enough TLC learns to thrive.  Look closely at the picture above?  Do you see the bountiful harvest?  No?  Its potatoes.  A lot of potatoes! Enough potatoes to require the attention of three adults and five children.  Look closer at the picture.  How about now, can you see the potatoes now?  Probably not, but that doesn't make them any less real.

You don't simply pick potatoes - you have to dig for them.  Our top farmer would use the tractor to reveal the delicious vegetables hidden in plain view.  Then the kids and I would grab our baskets and begin to "play" in the dirt and capture our starchy treats.  And there were many potatoes to be found.  We sought, we dug, and we captured our bountiful harvest.

It was a moving experience.  The sun was shining and the as the soil was scattered - little jewels appeared ready to be harvested.  I have been like the potato which might prove the old saying true - You are what you eat :)  I have been waiting in the dark.  I have been growing.  I have sat silent avoiding early light afraid of a quick dismissal.  But with a few big upheavals ready to show myself and hope for the best. 

Pick me! Pick me! I shout to the world.  Pick me Pick me - the kids say to me daily for numerous reasons:  "Pick me to read!" "Pick me to say grace!" "Pick me to love!"  Isn't that what we all seek?  Pick me to love so that I can show my talents. Let me display all of my growing and that it matters to someone.  That someone cares enough to stop, even for a moment, and say wow I might not have seen it earlier but I see you are ready to be picked, utilized, and loved. 

What stage of growth are you experiencing? Are you just planted eagerly awaiting the future possibilities? Are you in the middle of a deep growth and fear disturbance?  Or are you ready to be harvested and screaming pick me pick me! 

It isn't easy to decipher which stage a seed recently planted may reside.  But with faith and  a tad touch of common sense; we can cross paths with the unseen and harvest the ripened "fruit". 

May your HealthFULL Journey include all areas of growth especially answers of  peace and  revelations of the seen and the unseen.  "til we meet again . . .

I told you there was a lot of potatoes ;)

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