Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hippity Hop

Oh that's right I am down with my bad self.  Several mornings I have attempted some Hip Hop.  I love watching those moving contemporary pieces and storied Hip Hop on So You Think You Can Dance.  That piece with Alex and Twitch two seasons ago - hands down the coolest dancing I have ever seen.  I have mentioned my adoration for dancing.  That secretly I believe a dancer hides within my soul - however she has never revealed herself physically.  In my soul I am leaping and popping like nobody's business.  In the physical body I resemble those hippos in tutus from Fantasia.  But on this HealthFULL Journey I am learning just because its not perfect (nor won't ever be perfect) doesn't mean I shouldn't try.  So I hit snooze in the morning until I peek open one eye and say at least ten minutes.  One routine is ten minutes.  I won't feel guilty, I'll feel a little bit of energy and something accomplished.  I tell you a full thirty minute work out sets me up for a great day.  But ten minutes helps me from feeling lost.  So I pop in the Hip Hop DVD and start Hippity Hop.  I say this because I give the moves an extra bounce or full on skip.  This is that unrhythm I mentioned but it is still something. 

Frustration easily sets in as I watch the "instructor"  complete her thirtieth move with a smile and I got lost on the second with my two left feet.  And there is definitely a voice that echoes in my being turn it off and crawl back into bed for these eight delicious minutes.  But there is a smaller voice that cries from my soul their thanks.  No the Russian Ballet won't be calling me soon but there is a part of my soul that rejoices.  And slowly from the inside out and by consistently working out the outside in - I am carving out that joyous dancer.  Hippity hop - crossover, back, crossover, step touch step, and turn around.  As Monica says in an early Friends episode ( a rough paraphrase) - Girl in the back you're doing it(dancing) all wrong.  Monica's response: But at least I'm doing it.   That's my answer too.  At least I'm doing it.

May your HealthFULL Journey transform you inside out and outside in and carve out the version of yourself that you've always wanted.  "Til we meet again. . .

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