Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fifteen times two

Oh that's right folks I exercised a full thirty minutes.  My goal was fifteen minutes but hit thirty while breaking a sweat.  I forgot that sweat can feel good.  Your body is letting go of toxins because you are working it.  Not fun to sweat when one is just sitting inside an airconditioned house.  Which I have also experienced recently.  But to sweat because I actually grabbed my work-out gear and moved with purpose was wonderful.  I have a Bollywood DVD from the library and popped it in.  Now I didn't do all the jumps and adjusted as I saw best.  It's my body and it wasn't ready to leave the ground for a total of 55 times.  It did a little air, a few times.  Isn't it amazing when you place something on your priority list that it can actually get accomplished.  And I think it was a combo of the two but I felt so good.  A combo of actually moving my muscles who after working out for two months straight and then almost a month off were feeling neglected- cheered that I remember they needed some attention and purpose.  I also think my mood lightened because I wasn't feel guilty for ignoring exercise or postponing the work-out.  Having a little one motivates me to get priorities done in the a.m. when he is sleeping.  Because once he is awake my schedule is in the hands of a seven month old. 

Also my food victory was getting back into the habit of drinking water when home.  It wasn't the only beverage I consumed but it was an increase over recent weeks.  And that's great because we all got to start somewhere. 

So for Saturday I jumped, I sweated, and I reacquainted myself with my water tap.  It really is life's simple pleasures that keeps the world a happier place.  May your HealthFULL Journey spotlight your true desires, priorities, and blessings (big and small).  'Til we meet again. . .

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