Saturday, April 10, 2010

Outside in the Yard

Nothing like the sun shining, cool breeze, and no bugs. Today was a beautiful spring day and it was time to tackle the yard. Our backyard resembled a jungle mess; grass ten inches tall, weeds growing wild, and the seedlings of what I believe is called rubber gum trees. All I know is that when we sent our puppy outside to do her business we didn't know if we would see her again. Well I guarantee we will now. It is an oasis, or at least a pretty suburban backyard. I am gonna share that I skipped the Wii Fit today but definitely still got in my workout! It felt great to be out in the yard, working on this beautiful spring day. My hubby mowed the grass and weedwacked. I picked up the rake to gather those stupid cock a burr seedlings. And my hubby cleaned out the gutters. Oh can I feel the burn, a good burn, but a burn nonetheless. The tired muscles run down my thighs and through my arms, especially the forearms and my blisters on the palms of the hand remind me that I definitely worked hard in my work out today. It was therapeutic. I am not seeing the results on the scale as I hope but today showed me I am accomplishing something on this HealthFull Journey that can't be measured in numbers. I was getting yardwork completed. Last year these seedlings littered my yard and I picked up the rake then with very little results. I spent less than ten minutes gathering three small.....minuscule piles. And then because I was too tired (and winded) I left the piles just sitting there outside and do you know when I went back to pick them up. ....I didn't and let the wind destroy my little progress. But today I raked up five substantial piles that translated to ten filled garbage bags. That's right! Not only did I rake the WHOLE backyard I actually picked up the mess. That is huge measurable progress. And after that work I still had energy. Of course my muscles were screaming Uncle! and/or Mercy! but I felt exhilarated. I finished something! And the results were amazing, the backyard looked good and my spirit was lighter. As I pulled up weeds and scratched my yard with rake I realized how much I have ignored my own needs. It is easy to skip a weed, ignore the blemishes, and one leads into another. Much like weight, one pound doesn't change the whole outlook, so what if we add two more, three more, and then when you do start to notice the extra bulge here, and the extra bulge there...things have gotten out of hand it feels like it is too late. It is too hard to fix. It isn't worth the effort if the pounds/weeds are going to find their way back. It is too overwhelming. Where do I begin when the ending seems impossible. And the list rambles on and on. But like the yard, we just have to start somewhere. . .anywhere on the HealthFULL Journey to kickstart this journey and see where we end up.Like the weeds I need to kick out the unwanted pounds. Thanks for protecting what needed protection but it is time to let the unruly weeds go and allowing the healthy growth to have a chance. When we don't pay attention that is precisely when we get attacked, but if we stay alert and pay attention we can travel in stride and enjoy the Journey. Stay alert and keep the weeds away. If you weren't paying attention and a few weeds took root in your life, get to weeding and enjoy your HealthFULL Journey. 'Til we meet again. . . .

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