Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Starting Point of My Journey

My name is Suzy and I am desperately seeking a healthier lifestyle. I started my HealthFULL Journey by announcing to my created Facebook world that I weigh 289 pounds by listing it as my status in late July. I shared the announcement due to my emotional response. The thought of doing that seemed scary and I've heard that if the thought of it scares you, it is something you need to do. My emotional instinct being that for years I was terrified that someone, anyone would "know" my official weight or that a tag would be hanging out of a shirt and again that someone would "know" my official size and I must protect that sensitive information. Too much time has been lost to "worries" and Fearful anxiety. Part of this thinking is due to the fact that my 29th birthday was quickly approaching and passed on August 12th. So I declared to friends and family it is time to truly seek out a healthier lifestyle. I listed my hopeful results as losing one hundred pounds and to be able to run a mile under seven minutes and forty-five seconds. These are bonus results. As my intention is not to lose weight or run fast, but to not willingly give up life's opportunities due to endless and anxious worries. So I pledge to change my life by living healthier in all aspects of life(physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and financially). My intention is to experience this year by embracing the concept to Fully Understand Life by Living. (The Full in HealthFULL Journey.) What does FULL mean? To be open-minded to new opportunities and new people by being available and embracing the opportunities and people when they present themselves. Different ways I plan to complete this task is to seek out new perspectives by reading new materials, listening to different podcasts, and trying new activities. I chose to blog as a way to keep my journey accountable to others and honest to myself. I intend to complete on average three blog posts a week until my thirtieth birthday which takes place August 12, 2010. I am not sure what will be said, but I believe for this work it has to stay real and get personal. Most posts will most likely be about the new foods or activities I try, possibly a new recipe worth sharing, a personal story about how I am feeling whether it be a struggling plea or a triumphant shout, and sometimes it might be a simple piece of inspiration through scripture or famous quote. I look forward to sharing this amazing year with you. If you too want to join me on this HealthFULL Journey I am excited to share in it with you and if you have encouragement or advice to share I always appreciate a helping hand. Let's FULLy embrace Life by Getting Healthy Together! 'Til we meet again. . .


  1. Wisdom is learning from others ... I try to learn a lot from many. You, too, have become a teacher to me. My newest lesson is "I've heard that if the thought of it scares you, it is something you need to do." Thank you for willingly share your story with others.

  2. You are not alone on this journey. You have so many people who love you and are cheering for included. I can't wait to see this happen, one success at a time!
