Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Caul me Orange

I remember the joy of the hunt, idling over choices, and then research on how to best try our new vegetable,fruit, or grain of the week.  It makes it fun to get in the kitchen.  Not everyday because one can lose their mind.  But once a week as kind of a treat it is so much fun.  It opens your world to different tastes, cultures, and techniques.  This week we decided it was time to start incorporating this fun little ritual back in our house.  And as a family of three (though our little one has a while to go before he samples with us) we scavenged for our pick of the week.  Drumroll please.... Take a peek at the title of the blog. . . Orange Cauliflower.  Does the color matter when picking produce ?  Absolutely.  I am not a huge green pepper fan but bring on the red or yellow bell peppers and I will cook them or eat them raw with pretty much anything.  The color (if left to mother nature)  is the minerals and vitamins that make up the vegetable.  So orange cauliflower has way more beta carotene than the white variety.  And different minerals and vitamins will usually change the texture and the taste.  So for those who have limited market/produce access, have you tried every apple?  Different brands have different levels of sweetness and tartness and the different textures make some great for baking and others not so much.  Farmer's markets are great places to try because they tend to be local and not usually sold in your regular supermarket.  It is also fun to try different grocery stores.  I understand you probably don't because of cost or distance but a four - six dollar investment that encourages your family to gather, hunt, decide/negotiate, cook, and dine together sounds pretty worthwhile. 

So back to the orange cauliflower.  I enjoy regular cauliflower and have many found memories of mom's cheese sauce that went with it as a kid.  We tend to eat it more now around our house steamed with garlic.  YUM as a side dishes to most meals.  Cauliflower is so easy to prepare in numerous ways.  And when it comes to cooking for me I love the worlds simple (because I make things pretty complicated by myself), quick, and fun twists.  So I gathered three recipes for my hubby as we were having orange roughy (fish) (also notice our orangy theme - although we rounded out the dinner with spinach.)  It took ten minutes to gather these recipes from the internet for those are nervous to prepare unknown foods.  The www is amazing!  I type in my ingredient and add the recipe and voila the world is welcomed to my kitchen.  So my three recipes steamed in the microwave with balsamic vinegar, oven-baked with some herbs, and mashed.  Hubby voted for mashed.  Steamed the medium cauliflower for eight minutes in the microwave after chopping away the bottom green leaf and the breaking up some florets.  Then pulsed the steamed orange cauliflower with a touch of cream (we had some in our fridge, the recipe recommended milk) and some garlic.  Poured into a bowl for serving and topped with salt, pepper and the recipe recommended thyme but we were out.  It was delicious! The orange cauliflower has a sweeter taste than the white.  A lot of people tend to cover the white with cheese to cover that bitterness but the orange doesn't need it at all.  Keep it SIMPLE!  The consistency of the mashed cauliflower with the color reminded me of really cheesy grits.  Definitely a dish to repeat.  Especially if you are tired of the mashed potatoes and want to get more beta carotene (think sweet potatoes, carrots) in your house. This is fun and delicious with numerous opportunities.  I also have heard of purple cauliflower but have yet to try/see it.  From what I have read it sounds like it is also sweeter than the white version but not as sweet as the orange.  Kids tend to love bright colors on their plate to encourage healthier eating.  But don't forget the kid in you as adult who also loves to try new tastes and appreciates more fun in their day.  Start with your plate- its amazing how one change can lead to many others!!!

May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to amazing changes, treat you to new tastes, and the opportunity to have choices.  'Til we meet again. . . 

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Life feels like it is full of surprises (It's like I am playing "Press Your LUCK"  and I keep saying Big Money and life keeps doling out the Whammies.  I must have hit my limit by now.)  My hubby and I made a deal that he would take early shift this morning and I would tomorrow.  As I am tired of all the mutiny from within the household.  Six oh four rolls around this morning and my dog is whining.  Who does she wake, oh me of course.  And I stumble into the bathroom angrily.  And as I enter my room to feed the animals and take her out.  My hubby is awake and doing the morning duties.  Ahhh what a sweet man.  Surprise one - frustrating - surprise two - heartmelting.  I crawl back into bed for the beautiful world of sleep. beep beep beep, beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeep.  The monitor was losing battery.  Bitter me!!! So it isn't just the animals and the baby declaring mutiny, it's the world.  I stamp out of the room to grab the cord, plug it in.  And seethe my way into slumber.  I wake up and decide it is time to check in with my blood sugar.  I wasn't expecting perfection but figured it would be quite a bit lower from last week.  Lower but not near where I thought it would be.  Which means it must be broken.  I grab the monitor and ask my hubby for a favor.  He agrees because he is such a nice guy.  He did not know I planned to prick his finger.  He has a beautiful number.  So umm not the machine.  Now I'm frustrated at surprise 4.  But instead of diving into junk food.  (Well I did have leftover turkey tacos from last night but it was a lunch portion).  I decided I needed to work out so I didn't put it off for all day.  I decided to use the Wii Fit.  I got on the scale and saw I hadn't been on in a month and one day.  I know the habits I have been keeping.  I am imagining that I have gained up to ten pounds.  I am ready for it - Surprise 5 - I lost 4.2 pounds.  Really?  Thank you Wii Fit Scale.  I appreciated the pick me up.  Delight with Surprise 5.  And then I did the age body test - 22 years old for today's test - I 'll take it.  Here I was thinking I had lost all of my hard work for those two months.  Yes it was beginning to unravel but I caught it before it fell apart.  I guess I feel that is my lesson for today.  Life is full of surprises , the good, the bad, and the ugly.  We can prepare ourselves and then let it go.  Don't leave everything to chance that is not living,  but don't prepare for every possibility of rough times because a) you can't because it is impossible life still will surprise you, and b) you become a robot - you are programming yourself and your life but still avoiding life all together.  We need surprises.  The good are blessings and the bad tend to teach.  The ugly reminds us of what is truly important and matters at the end of the day.  When we barter all we have for the importance (family, friendship, and health).    I do enjoy a good surprise, but have learned so much from the other kinds.  For those of you experiencing the Whammy surprises.  You aren't alone and I promise there is a limit in life like there was in the game show.  We just don't know what that number is.  Life will get better!  God bless those who are hurting.

May your HealthFULL Journey teach you lessons with as painless surprises as possible and delight you many times over with the good surprises.  'Til we meet again. . .

Fifteen times two

Oh that's right folks I exercised a full thirty minutes.  My goal was fifteen minutes but hit thirty while breaking a sweat.  I forgot that sweat can feel good.  Your body is letting go of toxins because you are working it.  Not fun to sweat when one is just sitting inside an airconditioned house.  Which I have also experienced recently.  But to sweat because I actually grabbed my work-out gear and moved with purpose was wonderful.  I have a Bollywood DVD from the library and popped it in.  Now I didn't do all the jumps and adjusted as I saw best.  It's my body and it wasn't ready to leave the ground for a total of 55 times.  It did a little air, a few times.  Isn't it amazing when you place something on your priority list that it can actually get accomplished.  And I think it was a combo of the two but I felt so good.  A combo of actually moving my muscles who after working out for two months straight and then almost a month off were feeling neglected- cheered that I remember they needed some attention and purpose.  I also think my mood lightened because I wasn't feel guilty for ignoring exercise or postponing the work-out.  Having a little one motivates me to get priorities done in the a.m. when he is sleeping.  Because once he is awake my schedule is in the hands of a seven month old. 

Also my food victory was getting back into the habit of drinking water when home.  It wasn't the only beverage I consumed but it was an increase over recent weeks.  And that's great because we all got to start somewhere. 

So for Saturday I jumped, I sweated, and I reacquainted myself with my water tap.  It really is life's simple pleasures that keeps the world a happier place.  May your HealthFULL Journey spotlight your true desires, priorities, and blessings (big and small).  'Til we meet again. . .

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rays of sunshine

I have shared some "down" moments - I like to call them my Eeyore days (the gloomy donkey of Winnie the Pooh).  But as of my last writing I have been gathering my strength and editing my food choices.  There has been improvement and getting better.  Now it is time to start to improve my exercise.  I talked to a good friend tonight that got my juices flowing and wanting to get stepping.  However, I didn't as I let the tides of excuses wash in and slowly pull my energy and desire back into the vast ocean.  I get frustrated at not doing more or living this healthier lifestyle that I fantasize about.  I like how I feel when I move.  The energy is great, the looser clothes is nice, and that confidence is rising.  But then I catch a glimpse in the mirror and it is a sucker punch.  What? I haven't became the size 2 model I feel like?  Or then to give myself a boost let's step on the scale and applaud our efforts.  ON the count of three let's applaud the loss.  %$&*#) What!?!? I've gained!  Water-weight, stupid scale, my clothes must weigh at least five pounds, because no way after all this hard work could I have gained there must be something else.  But had I really changed from the two inches it took to step on the scale?  No but I let the negativity rob my joy, my moment.  And slowly I let my frustrations and temptations creep up on me and then surrendered.  Because I wasn't getting results fast enough.  Because the journey once again seemed endless.  I have hemmed and hawed.  Because quite honestly I am the queen of procrastination and pity parties.  What would be better though is if I stopped the nonsense and just put my two feet forward.  Exercise the fifteen minutes or even five just to remind myself - moving feels great and when strung together with enough effort feels amazing.  And stopped trying so hard to start the perfect journey and just began and let the journey unfold naturally instead of following a perfect set-up.  As my friend and I talked I had views on veggies and fruits.  That's right I have learned how to eat healthy but in the last month have covered it up like it didn't exist. It's time to uncover truths, put forth a little extra effort, and do it.  Next blog tomorrow is going to be about exercising and a food victory.  Because the baby steps once worked it is time to focus.  Because when we find ourselves trapped in the dark we seek out the rays of sunshine to offer hope, escape, and purpose.

May your HealthFULL Journey be full of sunshine. 'Til we meet again. . .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hitting Bottom

Whew!  Isn't it somewhat a relief to feel the solid ground of the bottom? No more of this free-falling and wondering if there is an end?  FINALLY there is a foundation to finally pick myself up.  I have felt myself sliding and slipping on the slope.  But today I finally hit what I feared and it woke me up! It can't get worse but only better that's exciting.  There are possibilities, there is room to explore and grow, there is time, and there is. . . That's right there is more than I can even imagine.  Hallelujah!  I have binged, and I have felt sorry for myself, and I have consumed myself with worries and doubts.  But today I couldn't think of change, I had to start doing it.  Everyone has a different bottom, a different story, a different motivation.  I haven't stayed aware and had my epiphany moment of this is what will happen if I don't start becoming active in my life and make choices that help instead of ignoring the harmful options that stick themselves to us like velcro.  I had a bit of a health breakdown physically (I feel I have ran the gamut between the worlds of financial needing a new roof, breaking the computer, and insurance nightmare, spiritual as a dark cloud hovered near my heart, and emotionally and mentally between the black cloud, and the ripple effect it caused.)  So to finally hit the physical break was like finally let's get back on track and get priorities straightened.  I have all the pieces of the puzzle scattered near each other.  I can put this back together.  I let my sugar get out of control.  I have been guzzling soda pop (I usually drink diet but was trying to get away from the pop and was stealing my hubby's - and somehow had convinced myself I wasn't really consuming pop because I wasn't officially buying my brand.)  Can we say denial?  I had convinced myself to drown myself in juice.  So I had fallen in the trap of drinking numerous calories (all sugar!), eating a bagel (yes they can be yummy but so dense of carbs), and then INDULGED in a wicked sinfully sugary treat drowned out by a sugar filled coffee.  With a little dabble of fruit and very little else.  Can anyone else see the trail of sugar?  Shocking that I don't have ants following me like the Sugar and Spiced Suzy of Pied Piper ville.  I felt my body reacting (sweats, cramps, and dizzy in a somewhat alarming way) but I had once experienced this reaction that I mistook as food poisoning.  Oh it was food related but more of an overdose of sugar. The event hangs in my memory as the worst physical experience I have ever endured.  I thought I was going to faint in the bathroom that night and almost wished for death as I had no idea what was happening.  I wasn't quite to that point but realized I was showing similar signs.  I checked my blood sugar and it was through the roof!  It is a little too early to share the number but it definitely woke my sensibilities that this wasn't child's play and it was time to take claim of my health once more.  I was able to keep calm because of previous experience and the insight to realize.  This is the moment where decisions count and a life can change.  Oh my HealthFULL Journey has had its mountains and valleys, but it is time to take comfort in finally feeling the confidence to strike out a path.  Sure I'll stumble,  may even lose my footing, but I won't let go of my determination to finish and my sight to forge ahead. 

May your HealthFULL Journey be filled with opportunities to see your path and the peace to not only survive your stumbles but thrive like a rose through them. 'Til we meet again. . .

Mutiny within the household

Oh it is time to change some things up in this household.  I must remind myself how much I love my pets.  Because between the pets and my son - my life has been crazy!!!  Mutiny was declared three days ago.  I believe the cat started the charge (my dog and cat are real life examples of Garfield and Odie) and pressured the puppy to do his bidding.  And the baby is starting to observe more and followed their lead.  Three mornings ago, I had a rough time sleeping which I believe is when I wrote the blog Buried Alive.  I then crawled into bed knowing I had exactly five hours to sleep which is perfect for me.  I can function and still be halfway pleasant.  Oh but the forces of the animal kingdom and the angelic lil' boy had decided to put their plan into effect.  As I crawl quietly into my sheets and trying so hard to not to disturb my amazing hubby (who really LOVES sleep) I gently lower my head unto my pillow and just about to sigh the sigh of sleep descending onto my body.  Yelps begin to crescendo quickly and loudly from the foot of the bed.  It was my dog catching her toe nail in her collar.  This has happened a total of five times in her two and half years with us but is an unmistakable sound.  I am in the beginnings of a sleep haze trying to figure out how to react.  I first reach for her but then realize I can't see her (sleep fog, she's black and it's dark).  It will be hard to disengage her without hurting her or myself.  So I fling the bedside lamp on and fling myself back to the foot of the bed where it appears she has disengaged herself.  I can't imagine but this little interaction between the dog and me woke my hubby.  Crazy!  So I flung back to turn off the light (after double-checking my puppy, readjusting her collar, whisper soothing words) and scoot myself under the covers to try to appear as I have no idea why my husband has awoken with a start.  Guess what?  I am fully wide eyed awake.  So not good, we are now under the five hour window.  No problem, just de-stress. Breathe in, breathe out and don't focus on the ticking minutes.  I finally fall asleep in about a half hour window.  No problem I can make this work.  Three hours and twenty-five minutes later I am awoken to a puppy whine.  Someone appears to be hungry and/or half to go outside.  I imagine hunger and pretend to not hear the whine.  This may sound cruel but keep reading.  Two minutes later the whining is no longer outside my bedroom but two feet from my face.  I squeeze my eyes tighter.  The dog then begins to lick my foot (mind you my hubby sleeps closer to the door and he is not being disturbed).  Okay you win dog.  I let her out, feed treats to the cat, and then feed the dog.  I am exhausted and can still catch an hour to sleep if I go back to bed this instant.  I quickly return to bed, scoot under the covers, one flip to the side, bring on the dreams.  And the monitor begins to crackle with baby grunts, next baby sighs, then unto baby babbles.  My head is echoing protests of NOOOOoooooooo!  The baby 99% of the time always sleeps one hour later.  Please not this morning.  And then the alarm of the baby scream of one hungry lil' guy.  Mercy I give! No sleep for this mama.  I charge to his room and begin his morning routine including bottle.  I have about twenty minutes I could return to bed.  But my hubby awakens as the dog felt both of us should be awake (though he did get the wake up call an hour after mine). I put the baby down and crawl back into bed for the full ten minutes to chat with hubby.  I then get ready for work and my voice mail goes off.  Guess what I don't have to come into work until two and half hours later, good thing my dog woke me up and hour and fifteen minutes early so that I can be two and half hours late.  Seriously! (I did go back to bed for that missing hour and I was a much happier person after my nap/sleep).  Next morning it can't be this crazy right?  Oh this time the cat decides to take matters into his own paws.  I woke up two and half hours early.  Why?  you may ask because my cat literally pounced on my bladder.  Now you might think this wasn't on purpose (but that means A. you don't know my cat and B. he was standing beside me like he was about to give me CPR except was pushing on my bladder).  Thanks Smokey!  Of course I would like to get up at this time to give you your treats.  I was only sleeping, what a brilliant idea to get up one-hundred and fifty minutes early so you can have your treats.  I took care of the animals and once again returned to bed after gaining my pets permission.  And then this morning (Saturday) I was literally pushed out of my bed at four a.m. by the dog.  I woke up gripping the side of the bed and my dog rolled over and literally pushed my legs unto the floor. 

This is my proof that mutiny was declared (I am a little nervous of what will happen in my sleep tonight).  Most of us are familiar with the saying that pets and babies pick up our moods.  My family appears unsettled and tense which means I got to get my act together or the furry creatures and the seven month old are going to take control of the house.  (Let's be honest they have always ruled the roost, the difference is now they know they rule the roost!)  It's time to dig deep and figure out how to gain my footing.  And if I can't figure it out I got to fake the confidence to make it work around here.  Things don't have to run perfectly but it is time to get things ship shape before the mutiny sinks us all.

May your HealthFULL Journey strengthen your relationships and make you all better versions of yourself. 'Til we meet again. . . .

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Buried Alive

I have admitted my heartfelt devotion to the series "Friends" and remember an episode where Phoebe says this is what she wanted her tombstone to read "Buried Alive".  Made me laugh and now it makes me think twice. 

I've let myself become buried alive.  It starts slow but quickly gathers until you don't even realize you aren't really living because you've been buried alive.  I have buried myself under my excessive weight, my obsessive worrying, my demanding task lists, my unrealistic expectations, and my clutter (emotional and material nonsense).  I've lost some amazing qualities because of all the junk.  I haven't posted because I am allowing the garbage to once again wash in like the tides and break down all my hard work.  I am desperately looking for a guide, a sign, a map, a path, something, anything to move me away from this quicksand burial.  At least I say this, kind of believe it, and so desperately want to believe this.  But I think in a subconscious way I like the clutter.  I can't find you, you can't find me.  I have a million excuses at my disposal (a lot has happened in the last three weeks, for instance a leaky roof).  I bought myself a little present a couple of weeks ago, a bracelet with a reminder of the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 which reads "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

In all my clutter I lost a lot of things and perhaps the worst is I have lost my hope.  And it appears my replacements have been despair, fear, and anger.  What horrible things to grab from the top of my piles and what is even more upsetting is that those replacements are covering, hope and joy and patience and so many other beautiful treasures.  I'm hurting but am having trouble getting my ducks all in a row.  I truly believe if I could focus just a little bit to clear out some of this clutter I can find a good path.  And I need to stop obsessing about the perfect path to enjoy my perfect moments.  I have too many blessings to allow any more burials.  So I need to begin to dig through the clutter.  If you have a moment I wouldn't mind an extra hand, (a prayer, a helping hand, a pat on the back) and together maybe we kind find some hope.

May your HealthFULL Journey help you to Fully Understand Life by Living and that you aren't suffocated by clutter but surrounded by Blessings and Hope.  -Jeremiah 29:11- 'Til we meet again. . .