Friday, April 29, 2011

Real Food is Real Work

I am rounding out my third day of eating "real food" and I am exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  This was another tactic I jumped into obsessive compulsive mode without fully being ready.  It's good not to keep sitting on the sidelines which is why I felt I had to explore my HealthFULL Journey so that I could Fully Understand Life by Living.  Sometimes when I feel I have stretched my boundaries as far as they will go and dream of retreating back to my hermit lifestyle I remember there is no place to return.  I am not the same and the old comforts would rub wrong like an uncomfortable shoe causing a blister.  Oh don't get me wrong I definitely could break in those old habits pretty easily and make them as comforting as a blanket.  But it would be uncomfortable in the beginning.  Just like this real food experience.  I am dumbfounded by the changes this really entailed by changing my eating habits.  For all the food victories I was celebrating and my "food knowledge" I thought our household was a lot closer to a real food approach.  How heartbreaking as I read label after label of food that is supposed to be healthy.  I have been sustaining myself on bits and pieces the last couple of days as I needed to go shopping to help round out my meals.  The rules  and suggestion for this approach was from another blog I stumbled upon . . . .  There are ten rules to live by so that you know you are eating "real food".  I have chosen to adapt two of the rules to make my life easier.  I know the blog founder strongly encourages full commitment.  But in the end we all have to do the best we can.  I bought products that had more than five ingredients (but they had to be ingredients that were natural and that I in realistic expectations could prepare (mostly sauces like salsa, marinara which I should be making from scratch but I'm starting out).  And the other one is to buy your meats local.  That is just a level of research I am not ready to wrangle (someday, but that day is not today).  Otherwise I am on board. So I repeat:  

I am exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
emotionally - my old friends - sugar, fat, convenience, chips, SODA!!!! (DIET SODA), are no longer my allies and it does cause me heartache (overdramatic and yet even sadder , somewhat true).

physically - Caffeine intake is way down,  And so is the sugar which makes me wonder how much sugar was I eating to keep me bouncing off walls, I am definitely not bouncing.

mentally - All of The label reading as I stood in the store today caused me to have three panic attacks.  The information was daunting and absolutely overwhelming.

and spiritually - I am bummed.  When you undertake these kind of projects you focus on the results and the celebration but does anyone really focus on the hard work, the extra effort.  Not usually because than we wouldn't take on half the projects we do.  So I apologize for my frowny mood but this journey has amazing highs and some challenging lows.  I am in the heart of a challenge.  I know that I will be better from a health perspective in another week but it is still new.  It is a lot of information to wrap my mind around.  So I observe, I learn, and eventually I will adapt.

May your healthfull journey nourish and nuture your whole being, 'Til we meet again. . .

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