Friday, April 29, 2011

Marching for Babies 2011

This is a blurb of what I have been working on all night :)

Howdy ya'll. As most of you know (or are learning) I tend to do things as most procrastinators do, at the last minute :) Well having a baby in the house, my last minute projects seem to get later and later. We are less than thirty-six hours away from the Greenville March of Dimes and our family is marching for our little guy. This will be my third march in the last three years for the March for Babies. I am nervous as each March tends to encourage more and more participation from myself. Two years ago I marched as part of my office's team. Two months later one of my precious nieces was born at 24 1/2 weeks (almost 4 months early!!!) weighing in at 1 lb. 6 oz and 12 inches tall. So last year we formed a family team in honor of my littlest niece. Then a month after last year's walk my husband Corey and I received amazing news that we were expecting our first child. What a blessing! And though I would do it all again no questions asked, my pregnancy was complicated every step of the way. Our son was to be born January 19, 2011, and excitedly we awaited our little miracle. However, late October, I began what I call the elephant stomp as my feet swelled quickly and stayed that way. I knew this was not a good sign as I went in to see my doctor on Thursday afternoon and they put me on moderate bedrest, meaning I would have to ask for leave from work immediately for the remainder of the pregnancy. I was scared, but willing to do whatever it took to keep our son safe. I returned Monday to the doctor's office to just check my stats. But sadly my stats did not check well and I was given marching orders to report to the hospital to begin absolute bedrest. Terrified is the only word I can use. Before my pregnancy I had never been hospitalized, no broken bones, and no surgeries. Even more scary though was how was Drew doing? As a mom I already felt like I was failing and did not know what else I could do for my son and his health. Every night after the first night in the hospital, the staff and I would prepare me for the possibility of surgery. Every morning started with an ultra-sound to check in with Drew and see how he was doing. Any sign of distress and the doctors were ready to deliver him. For eight days we did this scenario and day nine, November 3, 2010, was the day for my son to be born. He was only twenty-nine weeks (just 6 1/2 months). He was born at 3 lbs. 11 oz and seventeen inches. Our son was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and we started the scariest rollercoaster ride of our life. Every bit of information gleaned from the staff becomes so emotional. He took fifteen CC's of formula with no regurge, let's celebrate. Have to have the bili light could be a bit upsetting. He can't be held because they had just started feeding him his hour pump and was having trouble digesting, equals heartbreaking. The tears, the quiet rocks, the unending information, the pricks for blood tests, began to whirl and can easily overwhelm. Forty-four days we experienced the emotional jolts and received the call of a lifetime "Mrs. Sullivan we are preparing for Andrew's discharge hopefully tomorrow." I wept so loud and so hard. The doctor reminded me gently that it wasn't absolutely definite. I assured him I understood but that there are only two reasons a doctor from the NICU makes a personal call to a parent, either really good news or the opposite. And I was so grateful that this was the really good call. We welcomed our son home just in time for Christmas on Dec. 17, 2010. I got my Christmas wish and God even threw in a bonus of a white Christmas in South Carolina (that never happens). I write all this so you feel the journey. Two years ago I could not have predicted how important this cause would become and so close to my heart. I can't imagine life without my Drew Bug A Boo and I am so GRATEFUL to the research, advocacy, and support of this charity so I don't ever have to know.

We would appreciate your support. If you would like to donate financially please visit listed under Team Drew Bug A Boo. If you would like to help with advertising please forward this e-mail to anyone on your address list who may be interested in sharing their support or post our donation site as a status update in your social networks (facebook, Twitter, etc.) And lastly the biggest support we always appreciate is your prayers for this event, for beautiful weather (last year's started out a little drizzly which is awful for all the babies who plan to attend), continued prayers for the health of our beautiful son Drew and his biggest cheerleaders all five of his cousins and all the families who celebrate their miracles with smiles and most definitely those families who must remember theirs with tears.

We are so blessed and everyday our biggest blessings to count are you, our dearest family and friends.

Thank you always for your support and God Bless!

With huge *HUGS*, The Sullivan trio (Corey, Suzy, and Andrew Kevin Sullivan our own lil' Drew Bug A Boo)

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