Monday, June 25, 2012

Like a fairytale

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
 He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginnng to end. 
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Dear Fireflies,

Tonight, I peered through my window
and saw dusk encroaching with a pinkish glow.
The night sky beckoned me
to step outside with a whisper from the tree.

I was enchanted by the colors and the fading light.
It was like the sun wouldn't go down without a fight!
And yet, as the colors fade;
among the fireflies a painting was made.

With the background of the pinkish purplish sky
the fluttering bugs were twinkling their good-byes.
The world seemed to pause at their will,
as all was hushed and very still.

All was still except for those dancing bugs.
There was a comfort within the scene echoed only by precious hugs.
So much in life taunts us that we most likely can and will fail,
but this fragile, delicate moment warmed the heart like an inspired fairytale.

This scene lasted a mere minute, or two.
And yet, it screamed a truth so true;
That beauty, kindness, and love continue to grow!
If we pause for just a moment, nature still offers a breathtaking show.

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