This whole journey has been filled with first steps. Retrying first steps. Re-doing first steps. Repeating first steps. And the whole process after a strong first step steps. So many times I charge gung ho down the trail. Let's do this! We can do it! This feels awesome! To quickly retreat the next day (or halfway through my own personal pep rally) thinking have I lost my mind? I can't do this....I don't want to...this fun! ....and blah blah blah. Sometimes I argue with myself just put the tennis shoes on. If nothing else happens so be it. But at least tie the freakin' sneakers unto your feet. So I tie my sneakers and never have I decided that was enough. I figure once I have the shoes on my feet I might as well use them. I work great with boundaries. I tell myself "You just have to do one lap but should probably stop after four laps. Or walk as much as you can in fifteen minutes." This gives me limitations so I don't feel like I have to walk to New York and back to feel I've accomplished my task. Challenging enough to get me off the couch but not overwhelming that I feel there is no point to give up the lounging.

Also I need something to add change to the daily work-outs. For awhile the new DVDs from the library were great motivators. Then my goal to cover an extra mile boosted me to walk daily. On the new horizon I have a new pedometer. Noticed I said new? Yup I have tried the pedometer in my past. But I didn't like mine it didn't motivate, actually it discouraged me. I had purchased one with the intention of walking 10,000 steps a day as that should be my goal according to an article I read at my heaviest. At my heaviest weight this might be shocking news. I was not walking anywhere near 10,000 steps. I wasn't even walking 5,000 steps a day. I was walking in the ballpark of 2,500 steps a day. That included work, leaving my apartment, getting ready and I barely covered a mile within a day. That is heartbreaking. And discouraging. I was barely covering a 1/4 of my goal. So without much intention I began to forget my new friendship with the pedometer and let it stink into the miscellaneous drawer with much adieu. However, now I am ready to add the pedometer into my daily routines. My average routine consists of 5,000 steps without even trying. (Vast improvement from seven years ago). This pedometer is actually a tool purchased by my company to encourage a healthier lifestyle. My cost is zero dollars which makes this free! Who doesn't love a bargain these days. It tracks your progress online and rewards you for the different milestones you achieve with different prizes. Ahh now some friendly competition - excellent! I have worn my pedometer for three days. The established goal is to walk 7,000 steps a day at least five days a week. But in my head sits that old nagging number of 10,000. Because once you hit 7,000 why not try for 10,000. However you get extra points for walking 12,000 steps in a day. So on my third day once I hit my 10,000 (which I had done the first two days!) why not try for 12,000 and I did. Hopefully you can read the 12,069 in the picture as proof I'm really doing this. I really am onboard this time to be the healthiest I can be.
I am not the only one "stepping" up my "A" game. As a Valentine's Day surprise our little boy decided to take his first steps. Five to mommy and five to daddy. I figure if my son is going to start walking; I better push myself past that first step as well.
May your HealthFULL Journey begin with that first step and quickly multiply. 'Til we meet again. . .
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