Ahh! Turn the page - its such an exciting moment for readers. What turn will the story take? Are the words leading to something exciting or is it time to take a step back and learn more information? Is the journey expected? Anticipated? Or thrilling with twists and turns? And the ending what will I feel when the ending happens? Some are satisfying - some are plain upsetting and my favorite stories are the one that leave you mesmerized. These can be biographies or self help or novels and yes...the Bible. I don't know of anyone who picks up the Bible one day starts at Genesis works through the Old Testament into the New Testament and finishes with Revelation all in one day. It is actually uncommon for many people to do that with a year. We like to pick through our favorite books, our familiar passages, and mentally nibble on these scriptures as we contemplate life, ponder our purpose, and wonder about our wandering.
The above picture is my actual Bible. I have other versions and copies of the Bible. But the actual book pictured? It's my favorite. Its stolen - don't worry the first owner has knowledge of this theft and has even given his blessing of its home now being with me (even if it is begrudgingly ;) I can't tell you all the places this book has traveled but it has seen most of the U.S. from Florida to Alaska and much in-between. But what would be even more challenging to tell you is - where I've traveled with this HealthFULL Journey.
Some of the days I turn the pages of this book my life dramatically shifts. Somedays it is my mood - I may come to these verses: lost, confused, bitter, depressed, thrilled,but I walk away confident, encouraged, with purpose, grateful, energized, or somber. Some readings have led to dramatic results - applying for new jobs, accepting volunteer opportunities, facing school yet again.
Yep -That is my new page. I was reading the 23rd Psalm for a bible study to finish off the week. Here this Psalm that many of us are familiar and yet this reading had a profound impact as if I was reading it for the first time. This assignment came right after I received my letter of invitation to seminary to study for my Master of Divinity. I am excited, apprehensive, confident, overwhelmed, and yet when I read these verses - peace from the Holy Spirit just wrapped their arms of comfort and held me. This book is more than words on a page - it is a Living Breathing Word of today.
I remember one of my first classes from college that opened with two students pairing up and answering a couple of questions. The first question we were to ask of each other is "What is the Bible?" I was extremely confident that college would be a breeze as I obviously "knew" the right answer to this question. I smiled proudly and said "The Bible is the Word of God." Ready to take my bow in delight. My partner responded something along the lines of "A book of myths that Christians see as history and use as a manual in their faith". *Eyebrows raised* What?!?!? That is not what My Church teaches! I was ready to raise my hand and tell the professor that my partner was sadly mistaken. But I realized then that I had a lot to learn in life. So I did not tattle and began to wrestle with that choice.
13 years later I have to confess I still think my answer was the right answer ;) I just have a lot more reasons to back it up besides my church saying so. I have that experience of studying, wrestling, reading, pondering, and even the pleasure of just listening to these verses. Do I know all there is to know about the Bible. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! So everyday I pick it up and Turn the page. . .oh what exciting places we'll go.
May your HealthFULL Journey lead you to places and experiences you couldn't imagine in the past, but appreciate for the future journey, and couldn't even fathom living without them in today's path. May each turn of the page encourage a journey that leaves you Feeling Unbelievable & Loving Life. 'Til we meet again. . .
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